Krishna's play in Matter

Krishna's play in Matter 896

Beauty, love and joy are His companions. A play that widens and makes us progress.

The Mother

Torenia fournieri Lind. Ex E. Fourn., Scrophulariacea.
Wishbone flower, Bluewings

Physical description:
Pale lavender flower edged with deep velvety purple and a yellow spot in the centre of the lower lobe.

Additional reference:
Krishna's play - Small salverform flowers with a flattened corolla tube and a limb irregularly divided into one larger crimped upper lobe and three smaller lower lobes - hybrid forms in white, mauve or lavender - the prominent calyx is light green and ribbed - borne singly in the leaf axils or in few-flowered terminal racemes. A low delicate annual herb.

Common name/s
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