The Divine Worker

A poem by Sri Aurobindo

The Divine Worker

I face earth's happenings with an equal soul;
    In all are heard Thy steps: Thy unseen feet
Tread Destiny's pathways in my front. Life's whole
    Tremendous theorem is Thou complete.

No danger can perturb my spirit's calm:
    My acts are Thine; I do Thy works and pass;
Failure is cradled on Thy deathless arm,
    Victory is Thy passage mirrored in Fortune's glass.

In this rude combat with the fate of man
    Thy smile within my heart makes all my strength;
Thy Force in me labours at its grandiose plan,
    Indifferent to the Time-snake's crawling length.

No power can slay my soul; it lives in Thee.
Thy presence is my immortality.

Part VII : Pondicherry (Circa 1927-1947) > Sonnets from Manuscripts (Circa 1934-1947)   


20 September 1939. Three handwritten manuscripts.