Quotes from Sri Aurobindo & The Mother

All life is Yoga.

Sri Aurobindo

Man is a transitional being; he is not final.

Sri Aurobindo

He who chooses the Infinite has been chosen by the Infinite.

Sri Aurobindo

An aimless life is always a miserable life.

The Mother

The first principle of true teaching is that nothing can be taught.

Sri Aurobindo

What is God after all? An eternal child playing an eternal game in an eternal garden.

Sri Aurobindo

Let us work as we pray, for indeed work is the body's best prayer to the Divine.

The Mother

 Yoga of Works  Karmayoga

A divine life in a divine body is the formula of the ideal that we envisage.

Sri Aurobindo

Evolution is not finished; reason is not the last word nor the reasoning animal the supreme figure of Nature. As man emerged out of the animal, so out of man the superman emerges.

Sri Aurobindo

 Aphorism  Evolution

A spiritual evolution, an evolution of consciousness in Matter in a constant developing self-formation till the form can reveal the indwelling spirit, is then the key note, the central significant motive of the terrestrial existence.

Sri Aurobindo

 Philosophy  Evolution

To walk on the path you must have a dauntless intrepidity, you must never turn back upon yourself with this mean, petty, weak, ugly movement that fear is.

The Mother

It [Integral Yoga] can be called an adventure because it is the first time that a yoga aims at transformation and divinisation of physical life instead of escape from it.

The Mother

 Physical Transformation  Adventure


Visual Arts in the Ashram

Sri Aurobindo on Art   The Mother on Art  

Music in the Ashram

Sri Aurobindo on Music   The Mother on Music  

Mantra and Prayers - The Mother & Sri Aurobindo

Sri Aurobindo on Mantra   The Mother on Mantra  

Poetry in the Ashram