New Year Music 1974

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  34 tracks


Rig Veda
Mandala 5 - Sukta 5 - Rik 1,2,3,5

सुसमिद्धाय शोचिषे घृतं तीव्रं जुहोतन ।
अग्नये जातवेदसे ॥१॥

1) On the high-kindled flame pour as offering a poignant clarity, to Fire, the knower of all things born.

नराशंसः सुषूदतीमं यज्ञमदाभ्यः ।
कविहिं मधुहस्त्यः ॥२॥

2) The spokesman of the godhead, the inviolable hastens the sacrifice on its way, for this is the seer who comes with the wine of sweetness in his hands.

ईळितो अग्न आ वहेन्द्रं चित्रमिह प्रियम् ।
सुखै रथेभिरुतये ॥३॥

3) O Fire, we have sought thee with our adoration, bring hither Indra the rich in light, the beloved with his happy chariots to protect us.

देवीर्द्वारो वि श्रयध्वं सुप्रायणा न ऊतये ।
प्रप्र यज्ञं पृणीतन ॥५॥

5) Swing wide, O divine doors; be easy of approach that you may be our guard: lead further further and fill full our sacrifice.

Translation by Sri Aurobindo
SABCL > Hymns of Mystic Fire


Let the birth of the new year be the new birth of our consciousness.
Leaving the past far behind us, let us run towards a luminous future.
Lord, the year is dying and our gratitude bows down to Thee.
Lord, the year is reborn, our prayer rises up to Thee.
Let it be for us also the dawn of a new life.

The Mother

Words of the Mother - III > New Year Messages

Que la naissance de la nouvelle année soit une nouvelle naissance pour notre conscience.
Laissant le passé loin derrière nous, courons vers un avenir lumineux.
Seigneur, l’année se meurt et notre gratitude s’incline devant Toi.
Seigneur, l’année renaît et notre prière s’élève vers Toi.
Que cela soit, pour nous aussi, l’aurore d’une vie nouvelle.

La Mère

Paroles de la Mère - III > Messages de Nouvel An

Rig Veda
Mandala 1 - Sukta 35 - Rik 7

वि सुपर्णो अन्तरिक्षाण्यख्यद् गभीरवेपा असुरः सुनीथः ।
क्वे इदानीं सूर्यः कश्चिकेत कतमां द्यां रश्मिरस्या ततान ॥७॥

The One Golden-winged opens wide all the regions behind; speeding deep He goes, the Mighty, the Perfect Leader. Where is Surya gone now, who knows it, which of the heavens does its Ray unroll?

Translation by Nolini Kanta Gupta

Rig Veda
Mandala 5 - Sukta 8 - Rik 1,2,3

त्वामग्न ऋतायवः समीधिरे प्रत्नं प्रत्नास ऊतये सहस्कृत ।
पुरुश्चन्द्रं यजतं विश्वघायसं दमूनसं गृहपतिं वरेण्यम् ॥१॥

1) O Fire, created by our force, thee the Ancient One the ancient seekers of Truth set blazing for their guard the master of sacrifice with his many delights who establishes all, Fire who dwells in the house, master of the house, the supremely desirable.

त्वामग्ने अतिथिं पूर्व्यं विशः शोचिष्केशं गृहपतिं नि षेदिरे ।
बृहत्केतुं पुरुरुपं धनस्पृतं सुशर्माणं स्ववसं जरद्विषम् ॥२॥

2) Thee, O Fire, men seated within as the ancient guest, the master of the house with his tresses of light,—vast is his intuition, many are his forms, he brings out the riches, he is a giver of perfect peace and protection and a destroyer of the foe.

त्वामग्ने मानुषीरीळते विशो होत्राविदं विविचिं रत्नघातमम् ।
गुहा सन्तं सुभग विश्वदर्शतं तुविष्वणसं सुयजं घृतश्रियम् ॥३॥

3) Thee the human people pray, O Fire, who knowest the word of invocation, who hast the just discernment, who art strongest to found the ecstasy,—thee who dwellest in the secret cave, O happy flame, and hast the vision of all things, the perfect sacrificer with the multitude of thy voices and the glory and beauty of thy light.

Translation by Sri Aurobindo
SABCL > Hymns of Mystic Fire

मेधासि देवि विदिताखिलशास्त्रसारा दुर्गासि दुर्गभवसागरनौरसङ्गा।
श्रीः कैटभारिहृदयैककृताधिवासा गौरी त्वमेव शशिमौलिकृतप्रतिष्ठा ॥१०॥

O goddess, thou art the Intellect who knows the essence of all scriptures! Thou art Durga and alone art the boat in our raging sea of life. Thou art indeed Lakshmi ever residing in the heart of the slayer of the demon Kaitabha (Vishnu); verily art Thou Gauri who is established in the moon-crested Shiva.

Shakradikritadevistotram 10

ॐ दुर्गायै नमः। ॐ मीरायै नमः॥

OM to Durga our salutations
OM to Mira our salutations

ॐ भगवती श्रीमीरा शरणं मम ॥

The Goddess Sri Mira is my refuge.