New Year Music 1975

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  34 tracks


Rig Veda
Mandala 5 - Sukta 13 - Rik 2,4,5,6

अग्नेः स्तोमं मनामहे सिध्रमद्य दिविस्पृशः ।
देवस्य द्रविणस्यवः ॥२॥

2) Seekers of the riches we meditate today the all-achieving laud of the divine, heaven-touching Fire.

त्वमग्ने सप्रथा असि जुष्टो होता वरेण्यः ।
त्वया यज्ञं वि तन्वते ॥४॥

4) Great is thy wideness, O Fire, our priest of the call, beloved and supremely desirable; by thee men carry out the sacrifice.

त्वामग्ने वाजसातमं विप्रा वर्धन्ति सुष्टुतम् ।
स नो रास्व सुवीर्यम् ॥५॥

5) Thee high-lauded, O Fire, the strong conqueror of the plenitudes, the illumined wise increase; so do thou give us the gift of a complete hero-might.

अग्ने नेमिरराँ इव देवाँस्त्वं परिभूरसि ।
आ राधश्चित्रमृञ्जसे ॥६॥

6) As the rim of a wheel the spokes, so dost thou encompass the gods; thou shalt arrange for us our rich achievement.

Translation by Sri Aurobindo
SABCL > Hymns of Mystic Fire


We surrender to Thee this evening all that is artificial and false, all that pretends and imitates. Let it disappear with the year that is at an end. May only what is perfectly true, sincere, straight and pure subsist in the year that is beginning.

The Mother

Words of the Mother - III > New Year Messages

Nous Te faisons l’offrande, ce soir, de tout ce qui est artificiel et faux, de tout ce qui prétend et imite. Que seul ce qui est parfaitement vrai, sincère, droit et pur subsiste dans cette année qui commence.

La Mère

Paroles de la Mère - III > Messages de Nouvel An

ॐ सर्वदेवमयीं देवीं सर्वलोकभयापहाम् ।
ब्रह्मेशविष्णुनमितां प्रणमामि सदा मीराम्॥
ॐ विन्ध्यस्थां विन्ध्यनिलयां दिव्यस्थाननिवासिनीम्।
योगिनी योगमायाञ्च चण्डिकायै प्रणमाम्यहम्॥
ईशां मातरं देवीमीश्वरीमीश्वरप्रियाम्।
प्रणतोऽस्मि सदा मीरां संसारार्णवतारिणीम्॥
ॐ विश्वरूपस्य भार्यासि पद्मे पद्मालये शुभे।
सर्वतः पाहि मां नित्या महामीरा नमोऽस्तु ते ॥

Om. Ever do I bow with adoration to Mira, to the goddess who is the embodiment of all the gods, to the remover of all the fears of the world, to whom Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu offer their salutations.

Om. I bow to Chandika, to the One who is present in the Vindhyas, to the dweller of the divine abodes of the Vindhyas, to the Yogini and to her who is the power of Yoga.

I am forever surrendered to Mira, Durga, the ruling Mother, the goddess beloved of the Supreme, to her who carries us across the ocean of bounded worldly existence.

O thou the beautiful, the lotus in the garden of lotuses, thou art the mate of the Universal. Wherever I am, protect me, may the eternal Maha Mira protect me. Let there be adoration to thee, to the Goddess Sri Mira.

(Source unknown)

नित्या महामीरा नमोऽस्तु ते। महामीरा नमोऽस्तु ते॥

Salutations to the Eternal Mahamira.

ॐ मीरायै नमः।
ॐ श्रीमीरादेव्यै नमः॥
ॐ नमो भगवते श्रीअरविन्दाय ॥
ॐ श्रीअरविन्दः शरणं मम ।
मीरा शरणं मम ॥

Om salutations to Mira.
Om salutations to Sri Mira.
We bow in adoration to the Divine, to Sri Aurobindo.
Sri Aurobindo is my refuge.
Sri Mira is my refuge.