White Roses


A collection of extracts from The Mother’s (8000) letters to Huta. The Mother once told her 'I have never written so many letters to anyone as I have to you'.

White Roses

  The Mother : correspondence


White Roses – messages of value to all seekers, collected from the Mother’s many letters to Huta. (Mother once told her ‘I have never written so many letters to anyone as I have to you’ and Huta once told me that in all she had received over 8000 letters and cards from the Mother.) The Mother wished White Roses to be translated into many languages and made available all over the world.

White Roses
 The Mother : correspondence


01 June 1955

If you call or aspire with fear that you will not be heard and with doubts about the Divine's answer then the adverse forces that are always on the watch, slip into your consciousness through the fear and the doubts and do their mischief. So, you must call with a true and sincere faith.

05 October 1955

One thing you must know and never forget—it is: all that is true and sincere will always be kept—Only what is false and insincere will disappear.

The Mother, Words of the Mother - III: Transformation

06 November 1955

We must and we will conquer, even if we have to fight again and again. I am never discouraged and ask you also not to be—because the Divine's final Victory is certain.

No child of mine can be a zero; in fact, each one of my children has his or her place and special mission to fulfil. I love them all equally and do for each one what is truly needed for his or her welfare and progress, without any preference or partiality.

As for the attacks, it is a long standing affair and it may not be easy to make them stop at once but one day they will have to cease. And meanwhile they can be made shorter and less acute, by keeping faith in my promise and calling for my help that is always available.

17 December 1955

The world is as it is—full of smallness and obscurity—The Divine alone is Light and Vastness, Truth and Compassion. So, take refuge in the Divine and do not care for the smallness of the world, do not let it disturb you. Keep only the Divine Presence in you with Its peace and quietness.

20 December 1955

Do not give up the enemy (the adverse forces)—resist—I am with you for the fight and we must conquer.

27 December 1955

The red lotus represents Sri Aurobindo, the white represents me.

In a general way the lotus is the flower of the Divine Wisdom—whatever is its colour. But red, it signifies the Avatar—The Divine incarnated in matter, and white, it signifies the Divine Consciousness manifested upon earth.


Certainly the path of Integral Yoga is not an easy one. To conquer the Divine is a difficult task, but with sincerity and perseverance one is sure to succeed.

Now from the point of view of Yoga, it is always better to attach no importance to superficial things and to keep an inner poise and a quiet mind, taking refuge in the Divine and giving importance only to the real relation with the Divine.


18 January 1956

The Grace is sure to be victorious one day.

21 January 1956

I never impose my will on anybody. It is only when somebody asks me what is my will in order to obey it, that I say clearly what my wilt is. But afterwards if this same person shows displeasure or discomfort in obeying that will, I never insist upon it or use coercion. I leave each one free to do what one feels best.

02 February 1956

The Divine's love is always with you and that is the only thing that never fails in life.

03 February 1956

It is only by aspiration and prayer that ego can be overcome; a constant and sincere aspiration is always answered by the Divine.

09 February 1956

Ignorance is a human general illness and nobody can escape it until one is united with the Divine.

14 February 1956

Let the aspiration and love for the Divine conquer in you all desires and all difficulties.

17 February 1956

The true path is surrender, complete, absolute, unconditioned surrender to the Divine.

If you give yourself entirely to the Divine without asking for anything in exchange, if you merge your consciousness in the Divine, it will put an end to your sufferings—but the surrender must be total, unconditioned; unbargaining and absolute, including all desires, your needs, your likings, your dislikings, your wishes, your wants, your wills, everything, everything that constitutes your small person and then you will find peace and your torments will come to an end.

17 February 1956

Sufferings and difficulties are there for everybody until one has united consciously with the Divine.

So, the only thing to do is to be quiet and face what comes, good or bad, with patience and endurance—Because all restlessness makes difficulties more difficult.

23 February 1956

Let the Divine's Light, Love and Force save you from the clutches of the devil.

06 March 1956

As I told you, the great secret to get rid of all nasty things and to remove the veil between you and the Divine, is Surrender, a total, complete and constant surrender, dismiss all bad thoughts and had movements by surrender. This is the Victorious attitude and never fails.

And to have the strength to do it use my force and power that are always with you.

07 March 1956

With the growth of the consciousness the need for sleep diminishes because the sleep becomes more quiet and more conscious, more restful and thus the number of hours of sleep can be diminished. But to diminish the sleep by force so long as one feels sleepy is not good because it strains the nerves and makes them restless.

12 March 1956

I never look at mistakes and faults. I only look at the soul, the psychic being, for it to come to the surface and take lead of the whole being.

The psychic being is your true self and by opening your exterior being to it you will be able to receive the Divine's help and to conquer.

21 March 1956

Sooner or later the Truth is bound to prevail.

22 March 1956

There is only one Truth as there is only one Divine.

13 April 1956

Keep sheltered in my arms—they will protect you against everything.

Open to my help, it will never fail you.

17 April 1956

It is these adverse forces of ignorance, unconsciousness and division which are making this world such a miserable place, full of injustice and suffering—But the Divine is at work to overcome these forces and the Victory of the Divine is certain whatever time it may take.

Keep a living hope and faith. I want this Victory to come soon.

18 April 1956

Do not let the mud of ugly thoughts and low feelings stain your consciousness and take you out of my protection.

21 April 1956

Let the Truth be born in you; become conscious of your soul.

22 April 1956

In fact, writing a word is nothing; the true help I am giving is the one I give silently, present or not present, and that work is most effective even when people do not feel it or acknowledge it.

26 April 1956

Remain in my arms, enveloped by my love and blessings.

28 May 1956

And as the higher cannot bow down to the lower, it is the lower that must surrender and give way to the higher.

10 June 1956

Let the remembrance of the Truth be always with you.

01 July 1956

I give order to those who are perfectly and totally surrendered, as these orders cannot be discussed or disobeyed.

The Mother, More Answers from the Mother: 25 October 1963

To the others I show the Light and the Truth and give them advice when they ask for it, and they are always free to do what they think best for themselves.

As for my Grace, Love and Blessings, they are always over all, but each one avails himself of them according to his capacity, receptivity and surrender.

16 July 1956

Yes, my child, the Nature can change, completely change with the practice of Yoga—nothing is impossible for the Divine Grace—it can transform a being so totally that all that seemed for it completely impossible becomes not only possible but done.

The Grace is there working for that transformation.

22 July 1956

Indeed I am quite convinced that sincere love will overcome all obstacles, difficulties and deficiencies, that is why I am sure of the final Victory.

07 August 1956

Even the greatest darkness of night is bound to disappear in front of the Dawn.

Remember your soul and its aspiration: the Sun will rise, that is certain.

16 August 1956

The thoughts of the Divine are like white doves of peace and sweetness.

23 October 1956

The Grace always grants the sincere prayers.

31 October 1956

Thoughts about the Divine which brings comfort and joy.

10 November 1956

Even the most acute physical pain, if it is faced calmly and quietly, diminishes and becomes bearable—even in agony, we can rely on the Divine and the Divine changes our agony into delight.

11 November 1956

Avoid as much as possible to be restless or impatient because it is in calm and peace that the forces of the Divine Grace work at their maximum.

22 November 1956

Do not shut your heart to the sweetness of love—That alone can wipe off all sorrows and replace them by a constant and peaceful felicity.

23 November 1956

The darkness will vanish and be replaced by the Light, the sorrow will disappear and be replaced by the Bliss, the bad feelings will be shattered and replaced by the Eternal Love.

26 November 1956

Let the peace of deep love penetrate your whole being and flood you with quiet joy and strength.

04 December 1956

Sri Aurobindo's Answer

"Some people are truly greedy—they are never satisfied; the more you give them, the more they ask—and they would find it quite natural if the Divine were exclusively busy with them and nothing else."

1956? (Wednesday)

I can tell you that there is in the world only one place where you can fulfil your aspiration and realise the Divine, it is here.

It is well understood that there are difficulties, everybody has difficulties, but nowhere else, as much as here, you can find the help to surmount these difficulties.

I am here all right and not hiding myself—It is the children who are too blind and unconscious to see. They must open their true eyes and then they will see—they must wake up to the true consciousness and then they will understand.

If you do not feel my presence it must be that you received some bad thought or that you have had some feeling of doubt or disbelief, it is enough to veil your consciousness and to prevent you from feeling my Presence.

Let nothing disturb your faith and confidence and you will know that I am always with you.

Patience, perseverance, endurance and a steady will are required for the Sadhana, and above all a complete trust in the Divine's Grace is quite indispensable.

For the Grace there is nothing like 'worthy' or 'unworthy' and in all She does or says, there is always the same unchanging love and compassion.


My help is always with you to get rid of the confusion and if you keep quiet you will feel it.

Keep faith and confidence, all will be all right.

Do not fear it is fear that helps that thing (adverse forces) to come—do not doubt it is doubt that helps it to come—do not expect it in any way—it is expectation that helps it to come.

Concentrate only on me and on the certitude of the coming Victory—it is the most powerful arms to chase it for ever.

Keep courage and faith—I am with you.

To lead the Divine Life does not depend on any exterior activity of circumstances whatever you do from the highest work to the most ordinary; you can lead the Divine Life if you are in the true consciousness and the right attitude.


04 January 1957

Have faith in the Divine Grace, in spite of everything it will lead you to your true goal—the Divine.

16 January 1957

Those who think falsely will live in falsehood and misery. Get out of wrong thinking and you will get out of suffering.

03 February 1957

Nothing can discourage the Divine in its all Compassionate Mercy.

06 February 1957

This is a painting (of St. Anne) from Leonardo da Vinci; is it not a beautiful image of Divine Love and Compassion? The Compassion that effaces all errors and wipes off all mistakes...

23 February 1957

These difficulties are there for all those who seek for the Divine. Nobody can hope for an easy way—but the Victory is certain and this certitude gives strength to endure.

26 March 1957

Jealousy is a deadly poison that is fatal to the soul.

26 March 1957

To turn away from the Divine and reject the Divine Grace is the most silly thing one can do.

05 April 1957

The Divine Grace and Love are with you—do not throw them away.

05 April 1957

Ugly thoughts bring ugly feelings—ugly feelings take you away from the Divine and throw you defenceless in the arms of the devil who wants only to swallow you up—and that is the source of endless sorrow and suffering.

25 May 1957

Let the Divine peace be with you.

26 May 1957

My love is always with you. Have faith in it and you will be cured.

31 May 1957

The Divine Compassion is limitless.

15 June 1957

The aspiration is always the sign of the possibility and perseverance leads to the certitude of realisation.

21 June 1957

Behind the sorrow and loneliness. behind the emptiness and the feeling of incapacity, there is the golden light of the Divine Presence shining soft and warm.

25 June 1957

Nobody can say, "there is no hope for me,” because the Divine Grace is there.

06 July 1957

The only thing that is important is your seeking and realising the Divine all the rest is zero.

17 July 1957

It is when the contact with the psychic being is established that the heart feels this strange heaviness, the heaviness of all that is still in the Nature preventing the complete union with the soul and this heaviness brings always tears in the eyes—but the tears are sweet and the heaviness itself is sweet if one keeps quiet and concentrated, turned inwardly with surrender and confidence.

28 July 1957

Vital prayer: Steadiness and perseverance.

Mental prayer: Purity.

Integral prayer: The Divine Consciousness.

07 August 1957

Let the Divine fill your thoughts with His Presence.

21 September 1957

The fatigue comes from the resistance and the worry, do not worry, let yourself go, and the fatigue will go also.

05 November 1957

DURGA: (The Picture sent by the Mother) She will fight until there are no more anti-divine forces upon earth.

09 November 1957

SHIVA AND SHAKTI: (The Picture sent by the Mother)

This can be taken as one aspect of the collaboration between the Spiritual Power and the Material Nature.

18 November 1957

Let the Sun of confidence enter your heart and everything will become easy.

26 December 1957

Bad thoughts come back under hideous forms and thoughts of love and compassion as luminous and beautiful flowers....

27 December 1957

Let the Grace protect you.


There is no question of deserving and not deserving because the Divine Grace is Grace and does not depend on merit.

At each moment the Divine does what is the best for you. Because His purpose is to save you and liberate you from all trouble.

He cannot allow you to put an end to your life in an arbitrary way because death thus obtained means entering into a hell of endless suffering compared to which the suffocating feeling you are experiencing now could be called bliss.

Courage! hope! faith! at the end of the tunnel there is the Light, at the end of the ordeal there is the Victory.

The Mother, Words of the Mother - III: New Year Messages

It is the Divine Presence that gives value to life. The Presence is the source of all Peace, all. Joy, all Security. Find this Presence in yourself and all difficulties will disappear.

The Mother, Words of the Mother - II: The Divine Is with You


12 January 1958


I shall belong to no human master but to the Supreme Lord alone.

14 January 1958

Perfect Surrender and Adoration

"My Lord, Thy Will not mine"....

15 January 1958

Hope...hope for everyone.

15 January 1958

Beauty, you are my way to the Divine.

17 January 1958

Even in the Inconscient, the Divine is there.

20 January 1958

Even when you are unaware, the Grace showers its Light upon you.

21 January 1958

The inexpressible delight of being totally Thine, O my sweet Lord.

22 January 1958

The eye of the Divine Consciousness shines like an eternal diamond in the depths of the Inconscient.

23 January 1958

Simplicity, indeed great is your beauty.

23 January 1958

Who trusts the Divine never leaves the loving arms of the Divine—wherever his body may be.

06 February 1958

The day follows the night. The clouds vanish and the sun reappears more glorious than ever.

08 February 1958

With faith in the Divine Grace, all difficulties are solved.

17 February 1958

The Peace is truly there shining in the heart with the love and the Supreme Grace.

20 February 1958

Nature aspires through her tall trees...

23 February 1958

The duty of the mind, the life and the body is to become and to live what Soul knows and is.

24 February 1958

Bad will is a passing smoke that cannot alter the splendour of the Divine Grace.

26 February 1958

For your heart to remain happy, keep it always filled with gratefulness—Gratefulness is the surest way to the Divine.

27 February 1958

The Light is always there ready to answer to a sincere aspiration.

01 March 1958

Open your heart to the Grace so that it may accomplish Its miracles in you.

02 March 1958

Do not live so much in the outward sensations, withdraw into the depths of the heart—the peace of eternity is there and will help you,

04 March 1958

At the end of the tunnel there is the Light. The Grace is there permanent and eternal.

The Mother, Mother's Agenda — 1967: September 30, 1967

06 March 1958

The Grace is infinite and Its love and compassion are boundless.

12 March 1958

The cure from all difficulties can come only when the egoistic concentration upon one's desire and conveniences ceases.

14 March 1958

The trees rise towards the sky, beautiful symbol of Nature's aspiration towards the Light.

15 March 1958

There is no aspiration that receives no answer from the Love and the Compassion of the Grace.

16 March 1958

In the Integral Yoga, there is no distinction between the Sadhana and the outward life; it is in each and every moment of the daily life that the Truth must be found and practised.

The Mother, More Answers from the Mother: 16 March 1958

17 March 1958

No adverse force can prevail against the constant action of the Grace. One day the Victory is certain.

18 March 1958

The Grace will win the Victory in clue time by the Eternal Love.

18 March 1958

The Grace's victory is sure, but quiet endurance makes it quicker.

20 March 1958

The Mother is always ready to welcome the child whatever fault the child may have committed—with deep love and compassion.

21 March 1958

Never lose hope—hope is a divine Virtue.

23 March 1958

What we call ourself is only the ego—our true self is the Divine.

24 March 1958

With the silence in the mind, always conies at first what seems to be a loss of memory, but there is nothing to be anxious about- it comes back in due time and the memory is a better one, more correct and more exact.

25 March 1958

The Divine calls the soul to the joy of the rising Light.

27 March 1958

The Eternal Mother eternally embraces Her child.

28 March 1958

Think only of the Divine.

The Mother, Words of the Mother - II: Quarrels

29 March 1958

Live only for the Divine.

The Mother, Words of the Mother - II: Face and Overcome Difficulties

30 March 1958

Aspire only to the Divine.

01 April 1958

Work only for the Divine.

The Mother, Words of the Mother - II: The Divine Is with You

02 April 1958

Serve only the Divine.

03 April 1958

Be attached only to the Divine.

04 April 1958

Want only the Divine.

Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II: Faith

05 April 1958

06 April 1958

Only adore the Divine.

The Mother, Some Answers from the Mother: 10 June 1964

07 April 1958

The Divine alone is true—all the rest is falsehood.

The Mother, Mother's Agenda — 1951-1960: Undated 1958

And yet the Divine is everywhere—in the sinner as well as in the saint.

The Mother, Mother's Agenda — 1951-1960: Undated 1958

08 April 1958

The Divine alone is real—all the rest is an illusion.

The Mother, Mother's Agenda — 1951-1960: Undated 1958

And yet the Divine is everywhere, in the ignorant man as well as in the sage.

The Mother, Mother's Agenda — 1951-1960: Undated 1958

14 April 1958

The Divine alone is love—all the rest is selfish sentimentality.

The Mother, Mother's Agenda — 1951-1960: Undated 1958

But the Divine's love is everywhere and everything.

The Mother, Mother's Agenda — 1964: July 22, 1964

15 April 1958

The Divine is Supreme Peace. Be with the Divine and you will be in Peace.

16 April 1958

Be sincere, it is the first indispensable step on the way to the Divine's peace.

18 April 1958

Sincerity is our safeguard.

The Mother, Words of the Mother - II: Sincerity

20 April 1958

Wherever is your body, if we concentrate in our heart on the Lord, there He is with us.

22 April 1958

Wherever is your body, you are close to what you love.


19 February 1959

Of course, you must follow your inspiration and do full-heartedly the work which you feel you must do. It goes without saying that whatever you choose you must do it steadily and persistently if you want to obtain a result.

10 March 1959

Do not be discouraged because of difficulties—Whenever one wants to achieve something in life, difficulties come—Take them as discipline (Tapasya) to make you strong and you will more easily overcome them.

29 May 1959

I can only say that stability and perseverance are indispensable for success—but in all eases the Divine Grace is there helping those who call with trust and faith.

05 August 1959

Be quiet and confident and try to find me inside yourself, it will help you to sleep.

15 September 1959

Here are “Thoughts of the Divine” (The Picture of the flowers—Pansies—sent by the Mother)—they make life happy and beautiful.

Sri Aurobindo, The Secret of the Veda: The Guardians of the Light

01 November 1959

Cheer up!! “All is well that ends well.” And the end will be all right.

Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram - II: A Congress Committee Mystery


31 March 1960

Money and a jewel can be replaced, the Divine's love is unreplaceable.

21 December 1960

Death is not the solution, far from it, Death is a clumsy and mechanical return to the endless round of existences, and what you have not achieved in one life, you have to do in the second, generally in much more difficult circumstances.

There is only one way of getting free from life altogether, it is to go to Nirvana; and this can be obtained only by a very strict tapasya of complete detachment.

There is also another and more simple way of getting out of trouble, it is to take refuge in the Divine's love.


31 January 1961

From the point of view of spiritual realisation, the time has no concrete reality; all depends on the sincerity and intensity of the aspiration, on the steadiness of the effort. Some can do in a few weeks and even days what takes years for others. Moreover, as the mind and the vital, the chief factors of progress, arc not submitted to the same rules of decay as the material body, the age factor loses all its importance when we speak of spiritual and intellectual growth; there is no time limit nor age limit for the mental progress which can go on steadily for hundreds of years.

Secondly, failure is not the sign of incapacity—far from that.

Repeated failures come always to those who have something exceptional to do; it is only those who are satisfied with a commonplace and ordinary realisation who succeed easily in what they attempt to do. The natures of a special value have always to face many ordeals.

And thirdly, when I say to take refuge in the Divine's love, I do not mean that it is all sufficient in itself. Not so; personal effort and favourable circumstances are also necessary for the promptness of the advance. But those who can take refuge in the Divine's love find there a support, a protection and a joy that give them strength to face all the ordeals and surmount all the difficulties.

07 February 1961

You ask me what you must do. It would be better to ask what you must be, because the circumstances and activities in life have not much importance. What is important is our way of reaching them.

Human nature is such that when you concentrate on your body you fall ill, when you concentrate on your heart and feelings you become unhappy, when you concentrate on the mind you get bewildered.

There are two ways of getting out of this precarious condition. One is very arduous; it is a severe and continuous tapasya. It is the way of the strong who are predestined for it.

The other is to find something worth concentrating upon that diverts your attention from your small personal self—The most effective is a big ideal, but there are innumerable things that enter into this category. Most commonly people choose marriage because it is the most easily available. To love somebody and to love children makes you busy and compels you to forget a little your own self. But it is rarely successful, because love is not a common thing.

Others turn to art, others to science, some choose a social or a political life, etc., etc.

But here also all depends on the sincerity and the endurance with which is followed the chosen path. Because here also there are difficulties and obstacles to surmount.

So, in life nothing comes without an effort and struggle.

And if you are not ready for the effort and struggle, then it is better to accept the fact that life will be dull and unsatisfactory and submit quietly to this fact.

The Mother, Mother's Agenda — 1961: February 7, 1961

10 March 1961

“Prasad” is a spiritual gift, a way of transmitting the Divine Force; it is considered as a sacred thing.

16 March 1961

Death is not at all what you believe it to be. You expect from death some neutral quietness of an unconscious rest. But to obtain that rest you must prepare for it. When one dies, one leaves or loses only one's body and at the same time the possibilities of relation with and of action on the material world.

All that belongs to the vital plane does not disappear with the material substance, frustration and disappointment, and all that keeps you restless and prevents you from getting the expected peace.

To enjoy a peaceful and eventless death you must prepare for it. And the only effective preparation is the abolition of desires, a steady detachment from the fruit of action.

So long as we have a body, we have to act, to do something, to work; but if we work simply because it has to be done, without seeking for the result of our action or wanting it to be like this or like that, little by little we get detached and prepare ourselves progressively for a truly restful death.

The Mother, Words of the Mother - III: Old Age and Death

In fact, if you do not expect any satisfaction from physical life, you are no more tied to it and get above all sorrow.

The Mother, Words of the Mother - II: Material Desires

31 March 1961

The hell from which physical death cannot deliver you, is the hell of being in the grip of a devil who makes of you his plaything and takes his greatest pleasure in torturing you.

When someone is in the grip of a devil, which is the cause of his sufferings, the body may die, but the vital being who feels the sufferings will, after the dissolution of the body, continue to feel as much and perhaps even more.

But there is none more deaf than he who refuses to hear.

No child can be cured if he refuses to be cured and pretends to be a fool in order not to listen.

31 May 1961

When I speak of 'New Birth', I am always speaking of the birth of a new consciousness.

20 August 1961

There is something important that you must understand.

This body with the bit of Consciousness in it which you call The Mother, has no power of its own, no will of its own. The Lord alone has the power. The Lord alone has the will—all is willed by the Lord, all is done by site Lord, and it is He alone who can save you from your predicament.

22 September 1961

Yes, I can help you and, in fact, I never stopped doing so.

But I need your collaboration, without it nothing permanent can be done.

You must steadily, obstinately refuse to listen to "him" (the devil) and follow his suggestion—then it will be possible to push him away, finally he will stop coming to you and harassing you.

But as the habit of listening and obeying is a long standing one, it may take some time before he loses all hope of catching hold of you again—and we must be very obstinate in our resolution of refusing to hear him.

Be certain that nothing can discourage me and I will always be by your side in this fight against these powers of falsehood.


Truth is Supreme harmony and Supreme delight.

All disorder, all suffering is a falsehood.

This world of misery and confusion is a world of falsehood. Only a change of consciousness and the conquest over falsehood can change the conditions of this world.

The Mother, Words of the Mother - III: Doctors and Medicines

Do not take my silence for lack of interest or of love. It is in silence that my action is most powerful.

Alas! my poor little child, this kind of devil is immortal and will disappear from the earth atmosphere only with the disappearance of falsehood.


09 January 1962

...For you there is only one way, and the depth of your heart is aware of it also. It is right when it feels that you will get what you want—and you are right to wait—because to know how to wait is also a Tapasya because at the end there will be a miracle.

For believe it or not, all life is a constant miracle.

22 February 1962

You are mistaken when you think that I did not value the picture you gave me with your love—on the contrary it touched me—it is the kind of thing I value much more than a beautiful present made with a cold or interested thought.

23 February 1962

Love is a too sacred thing to play with it.

And I have said Eternal Love.

13 November 1962

The more one begins to have a contact with the Divine Light and Life, the more one feels that this earthly life of falsehood is painful.

But this feeling must be used as a stimulant towards the transformation that can make us emerge out of the falsehood into the splendour of the Truth.

The sleep of which I had spoken to you is an occult sleep in which one can obtain the capacity of going out of and into one's body at will. It requires much training generally and takes time. But for all that, the first thing to get is peace, peace, peace—inside of course. It is the most important.

01 December 1962

Do not worry.—Behind all this confusion there is the great mercy of the Supreme.

07 December 1962

It is true that life as it is, is not a very pretty one—but it is better to laugh at it than to be sorrowful.

14 December 1962

You have put some serious question about the adverse forces and I want to answer seriously; but that needs time, it cannot be written in a hurry.

Be sure that everything will come in its time.

True Love is the Master of the world and eventually, it will conquer everything.

16 December 1962

For Love there is no other curtain than ignorance.


If you still believe in my love, I shall tell you that my love will be constantly with you, protecting as much as you will allow it to protect you.


01 January 1963

It is true that money is a force and a means, but it must never be allowed to become a ruler and a tyrant.

25 January 1963

Do not indulge in your moodiness, it makes it much worse.

Do you think, you really think you are the only one upon earth to feel the falsehood and to suffer by it? And to run away from it like a coward, do you think it will cure it?

You would be wise to leave all that to those who have the knowledge to cure the falsehood and to lead the world to the Truth—and for yourself—learn to be quiet. and to endure, because it is the shortest way to get out of trouble.

Then you will feel that the Love is there and that it is worth bearing all the rest.

27 January 1963

You say you want to get rid of falsehood, here is a way.

Do not try to please yourself, do not try either to please the others. Try only to please the Lord; because He alone is the Truth—Every one of us, human beings, is a coat of falsehood put on the Lord and hiding Him. He alone is true; He is the Truth.

It is on Him that we must concentrate, and not on the coats of falsehood.

The Mother, Words of the Mother - II: Falsehood and Truth

28 January 1963

Give me in thought the thing that troubles you and I shall get you rid of it. In true love.

14 February 1963

I am always with you—you have nothing to fear. But to be quiet, you most stop thinking of them even if they send letters and talk, cut all thinking connection with them.

If you try I shall help.

15 February 1963

In your letter of yesterday which I received this morning you write something which will help to explain what I mean by "cutting the thinking connection."

When you feel such things and the fear comes in, even in your sleep—instead of thinking, (which certainly you must do) "here again are these people throwing their bad will and their falsehood upon me”—(or something similar), you must not think, and immediately call the Lord or me or both and pray, "here again I am attacked—help me, protect me, let your love and power be like a shield around me to prevent these adverse forces from touching me.”

And you go on praying and repeating your call, thinking of nothing else until the attack is over—This is the surest, the safest and the quickest way.

And if at any other time you can succeed in thinking only of the things that do not disturb you, you can also little by little minimise the attacks and make your life more peaceful.

16 February 1963

For the incidents about which you speak in your today's letter, the best, when you receive a shock, is to answer at once by this thought—"Let the Peace of the Lord be with you."—Not in spoken words but clearly in your mind, and continue thinking of the Lord's Peace and not of the unpleasant sensation—This is a good remedy and will minimise the bad effect. When you think of the Lord's Peace it acts as a call, and the more you think of it the more you surround yourself with it which is the most powerful protection.

28 February 1963

Mother, I am eager to know about the Lord.... I mean Sri Aurobindo.

Sri Aurobindo is a permanent Avatar of the Lord—(as Krishna is).

Can I ever see Him?

Certainly yes if you remember your night activities.

I wish I could see the marvel of the world into which we go at night.

I have seen you there sometimes. You go there but you do not remember.

But I cannot see Him.

One day you may see the Lord also but He has not a precise particular form—He has all possible forms and He is also beyond all forms....

That is why He sends upon earth His Avatars so that the human beings can more easily meet Him, see Hint and get in contact with Him.

But He is always with us all and we can all be in constant contact with Him if we do the needful, which is simply to love Him.

01 March 1963

Mother, what is the difference between the Lord and Sri Aurobindo?

There is no essential difference, but the Lord is All and Sri Aurobindo is a part but conscious of the Supreme Lord of whom He is an emanation.

Where is Sri Aurobindo at the moment?

Sri Aurobindo is wherever He wants to be, because He is free; but He has a permanent home in the subtle physical—(the region closest to the earth—physical) where all those who wish to see Him can go and see Him.

What form has He got?

There in the subtle physical, His form is similar to the one He had upon earth, but with the splendid peace of immortality.

What sort of world is the subtle physical?

This subtle physical or true physical) is a world where things are and happen some-what like in the physical here but with a harmony, a beauty and a truth that do not yet exist upon earth.

Mother, to love You, to love the Lord or to love Sri Aurobindo? Whom can I love?

"Love, love, love as much as you can—the Lord, Sri Aurobindo and me—None of this love is wasted!

March ?

There is only one Will governing the world; it is the Will or the Lord—(I ant only His executive Power). He is supreme Wisdom and supreme Truth, and He alone knows what is truly good for each one and everybody.

Only let me suggest that you should join your prayer to mine—it might bring a quicker result.

March ?

Indeed you are very clever and you know quite well how to argue.

Yet there are two points on which I have something to say.

You ask at what time I pray, in order to join in the prayer. But you see, I have not a time for prayer or meditation—This body lives constantly, night and day, even when apparently it is busy with something else, in an invocation to the Supreme Lord, asking Him to manifest His supreme Truth in this world of falsehood, and His supreme Love in this world of disharmony. So, at any time when you feel like praying, you can do so and your prayer is sure to join mine.

The second point is that you say that the Lord gives to people prosperity, children and happiness whenever they ask for it—Quite true, but these things belong to the physical consciousness and need no preparation to be received; they (people) can have these things with remaining just as they are.

While you are asking for the greatest thing of all, the most difficult, the Truth—and to receive the Truth one must be prepared for It, capable of seeing and feeling it—and this demands a big preparation. In fact, the Truth is always with us. And if we do not see It and feel It, it is because we are not capable of seeing and feeling It—This is the reason of the delay. The Lord answers at once all sincere prayer, but we are not aware of His answer.

02 April 1963

Behind the weakest weakness there is the supreme Strength, the Lord's Force.

19 April 1963

When you get upset or disturbed, remember that it is the EGO that gets upset and disturbed and tell him, “I do not want you, get away, out of me.”

26 May 1963

Right or wrong is not the question.

So many answers I have sent you (not written) to your letters, knowing very well that you would not be conscious of my answers but that, all the same, it would help.

One thing only remains to be said. Do not mistake your Ego and your physical consciousness for yourself, because when you do so, they make you do and say what they want and not what you want, which does not help the release you want.

27 May 1963

I wrote that it was not a question of wrong and right, because it is only the Lord Who can know what is truly wrong and what is truly right.

Upon this earth, each being and especially each Ego is convinced that it is right and takes its desires for the truth.

But for me who can see and know, who am aware of the truth of things, if I did what your ego wants me to do, I would be a traitor to your soul and to my promise to deliver you from your ego. This I cannot be, even if, in your unconsciousness, you get displeased.

I had written that much when I received your letter and your questions. Some are already answered by what I have previously written.

You say, "the Ego and the physical consciousness are not me." It is your soul, who can say that in truth. Certainly your soul is not the ego and the physical consciousness; but the mental, the vital and the physical beings have been formed by the ego and it is through the ego that they express themselves, it is through the ego that they get in contact with the others and react to these contacts. This is the difficulty, this is why it is almost impossible to get rid of the ego without a Divine intervention.
This which is an absolute and true fact can give you the measure of the mixing of the ego in your consciousness. The ego cannot be destroyed, but it can be overcome by a constant and complete separation. This is the necessary preparation I spoke of. The Supreme does not work by tricks and magic, because they are not true—The Supreme does not obey the individual desires, because in that case He would be a slave and not the Lord.

He says this will be done under these conditions. And what He says is done.

Now to make you fully understand, I shall explain something more. All the elements of the human consciousness which gather and organize themselves around the soul form, through thousands of lives, the psychic being. This psychic being, when well constituted, becomes the conscious intermediary between the soul, the psychic being and the mental, vital and physical beings.

When the psychic being gets the liberation, it feels the ego and the physical consciousness, merely as movements of the universal Nature outside itself, quite foreign to itself; and these movements can no more affect the psychic being in any way.

06 June 1963

....Meanwhile, in spite of all adverse circumstances, try to get back into this detached condition in which the material things lose their hard reality.

It is the surest way to get rest.

06 June 1963

You asked what is the difference between the liberation and the realisation.

The realisation of the soul is achieved when the whole being (including the physical consciousness and the ego) has got under the control of the soul through the psychic being, when all the activities of the being including the physical are governed exclusively by the soul in peace and quietness. This is the first step towards the Transformation which is the divinisation of the integral being and may come only after ages.

You say also that the realisation and the ego cannot go together—This is quite true and from the time of the realisation the nature of the ego is so much changed that we can say in truth that there is no more ego, although nothing is lost or wasted of what it represents in the evolution.

But all this needs a very patient endeavour.

09 June 1963

But here also a lot of patience is needed. This is only for the outside life.—Inside all is all right, quiet and luminous.

23 June 1963

To be aware of the liberation of your soul means that you are sufficiently conscious of your soul to feel that something deep in you is quite free, independent from people and circumstances, untouched by grief, displeasure or anger, always calm and with a quiet contentment.

This feeling can come suddenly or progressively and can stay for more or less time—all depends on how much and how often your consciousness is in contact with your soul.

The aim is that it should be constant, but this comes later on and little by little when all the parts of your being turn towards your soul instead of turning to the exterior, the physical consciousness and being caught in it.

The best way to hasten this change is the habit of going within.

For going within you must sit comfortably or lie down, gather and bring back all the threads of your consciousness which are tied up to all the people and the things around you, all that you think of, all that you want to do—etc, etc.

Once this is done you focus all your attention inside yourself, deep inside your chest and you concentrate there until you reach a state of peace and immobility. You may not succeed from the first time—but you will try again and again until you succeed.—In the state of quiet and silent immobility, you will be in contact with your soul, unite with it and feel free.

Naturally with the practice all that becomes more and more easy and spontaneous.

28 June 1963

Keep a quiet confidence and all will be all right.

04 July 1963

All human beings are full of desires; their life is built by desires. The will of man is made of desire, his needs are desires. He can get rid of all these desires only by a constant vigilance and steady elimination.

Each time that you feel excited or annoyed, each time that you are upset, you can be sure that there is a desire lurking behind the appearances.

The sign of the true and Divine Consciousness is perfect equality, constant equanimity and peace.

Excitement, irritation, sorrow, depression, upsetting belong all to the Physical Consciousness and must be surmounted in order to get rid of the Falsehood.

11 July 1963

With my name send the fear away. Fear is the worst thing. A child of mine must never fear.

Now, child, I remind you once more that you must not get excited and upset, that you must not have useless fears. It is all this excitement and this upsetting and most of all this fear that fall back upon you and disturb you so much.

Keep quiet in your mind, do not indulge in catastrophic imaginations and you will soon discover that the Victory of the Truth is certain because such is the Lord's Will.

15 July 1963

Most of the dreams are in the subconscient or in the vital—they can be useful for the inner progress, if properly understood.


The "Active consciousness" is the usual consciousness, the consciousness of every day and every circumstance—the one in which and by which you live and act in the ordinary life.

As a complement to my today's letter. "The world will trouble you so long as any part of you belongs to the world. It is only if you belong entirely to the Divine that you can become free."

Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II: Surrender

23 July 1963

This is an important letter—I have told you already many times that this world cannot be changed all on a sudden by the swift stroke of a fairy's magic wand. This world is a world of ignorance and falsehood and will remain so for still a pretty long time to come....

Now again you speak of death as Nothingness; but this is quite untrue, it is a big falsehood. Death is not nothingness, death is only a transition between two earthly lives upon earth, and the nature of the transition depends on the quality of the previous life. To die does not solve the problem or overcome the difficulty.

So, instead of thinking of giving up your body—which is a useless and harmful action,—you ought to give up the small, silly and selfish ego—and then all your troubles will be over.

24 July 1963

"The divine Guide within is not offended by our revolt, not discouraged by our want of faith or repelled by our weakness; he has the entire love of the Mother and the entire patience of the teacher."

Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis of Yoga - I: The Four Aids

I send you this quotation so that you may not be sorry for anything in the past and only think of the luminous future which is in front of all of us.

Love is at the origin of the world and Love is its Goal.

30 August 1963

Upon earth, each human being has his own way of seeing and feeling things, and as no two of these ways arc the same, each one is different from all the others, so, everybody disagrees with the others in one way or another and no real harmony can be established—This is why the world is such a painful chaos.

The Lord alone with His total Vision can create a harmony, by putting each being in its right place if the world surrenders to Him unreservedly. For it is only by uniting with Him that we can realise a harmony in our existence and get thus protected from the surrounding disharmony.

This is the only remedy.

04 September 1963

The difficulties and mishaps are tests and must be considered as a Grace from the Lord—and then they will become so and lead you quickly to your goal.

10 September 1963

For your ill-health, do not forget to try to bring down the Divine Peace. Because no illness can resist the Peace of the Lord, and even to remember and to try will give you some relief.

12 September 1963

It is into the subconscient that you went last night; into the subconscient where are accumulated all the past impressions, thoughts, feelings, emotions, fears, disgusts, etc., etc.—rejected from the aspiring consciousness, but still hoping to come back to the surface on the first occasion—it is a world of concentrated falsehood where all is distorted, falsified, degraded—It is one of the places where the Divine is not only denied and unknown but violently disobeyed and rejected.

Before going to sleep, pray not to go there again, and to remain under the Divine protection.

On my side I shall do what can be done to help.

This subconscient world is one of the places where wander those who have put an end violently to their physical life. It is wiser to avoid going there at all.

13 September 1963

Mother, then what is the vital world and its stuff? Is it the same as the subconscient or a bit civilized?

The vital world is quite different from the physical subconscient which is closely connected with the human beings. The vital world is inhabited by vital beings who are not human, some are very beautiful and resemble gods, some are hideously ugly, but all or almost all are antidivine and try always to turn the human beings from their Divine Goal. The vital world itself in its higher regions is very beautiful, dangerously beautiful and attractive—in its lower parts it is dark and frightful—One must not go into the vital world without a special purpose or command and a special protection.

O Mother, is there any end to these horrible worlds and the miseries of human beings?

There will be an end but not without a struggle.

Mother, I wonder, if You were not upon this earth, what would happen to poor human beings? Bless Your Sweet Heart! You are here!

The dangers are great and many. The task is difficult and long. But the Divine's Help and Grace are with us and we are sure to succeed.

14 September 1963

Mother, You wrote, "One must not go into the vital world without a special purpose, command and a special protection." True. But what are special purpose or command and a special protection?

What I mean by special purpose is a work given by the Divine Who then gives His special protection.

I believe, a perfect purity and fearlessness are needed for the vital world, otherwise one gets lost in that world.


Do You make any one go over there?

I send nobody purposely into the vital world. But have helped several people who were in the habit of going there.

What is the purpose and importance of the vital world in the Spiritual life? Does the vital world help in any way?

The Vital is most important, for the transformation of the physical but its importance is rather little for those who want to escape life rather than transform it.

Mother, You wrote in Your previous letter, “There will be an end but not without struggle.” What type of struggle is it?

It is mostly a psychological struggle.

What I can do is to help those who have full faith to realise in this present life what, otherwise, would take hundreds of lives to realise.

27 November 1963

But you must realise, little child, that it is the Divine Who does everything in spite of somewhat contrary appearances, and then your heart will be at peace.

22 December 1963

I can understand that life is difficult, but the Lord's Force is Infinite and it is always available for those who pray for It sincerely.

23 December 1963

The Lord alone can save you from these terrible attacks.—Pray again and again to Him to save you from them.

31 December 1963

Won't you let the Lord be stronger than the horoscope? For the Supreme Lord there is no horoscope which is absolute.

Have faith in the Lord's mercy and all can and will change.

"O Lord,

With full faith, love and surrender we are ready for Thy Victory."

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