Letters On Yoga - Part 1

  Integral Yoga

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Sri Aurobindo

Letters on subjects including 'The Supramental Evolution', 'Integral Yoga and Other Paths', 'Religion, Morality, Idealism and Yoga', 'Reason, Science and Yoga', 'Planes and Parts of the Being', 'The Divine and the Hostile Powers', 'The Purpose of Avatarhood' and 'Rebirth, Fate and Free-Will, Karma and Heredity'. Sri Aurobindo wrote most of these letters in the 1930s to disciples living in his ashram.

Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library (SABCL) Letters On Yoga - Part 1 Vol. 22 1776 pages 1970 Edition
 PDF     Integral Yoga

Part I

Fate and Free-Will, Karma and Heredity, etc.

Fate and Free-Will, Karma and Heredity, etc. - VII

[The seeking of animals:] The satisfaction of their emotions and desires and their bodily needs—mostly. Animals are

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predominantly the vital creation on earth—the mind in them also is a vital mind—they act according to the push of the forces and have a vital but not a mental will.

Even the animal is more in touch with a certain harmony in things than man. Man's only superiority is a more complex consciousness and capacity (but terribly perverted and twisted by misuse of Mind) and the ability (not much used as yet) of reaching towards higher things.

Human life and mind are neither in tune with Nature like the animals nor with Spirit—it is disturbed, incoherent, conflicting with itself, without harmony and balance. We can then regard it as diseased, if not itself a disease.

The plants are very psychic, but they can express it only by silence and beauty.

[Beauty of a flower:] Form, colour, scent and something else which is indefinable.

The rose is not the only beautiful flower, there are hundreds of others; most flowers are beautiful.

There are degrees and kinds of beauty, that is all.

The rose is among the first of flowers because of the richness of its colour, the intensity of sweetness of its scent and the grace and magnificence of its form.

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It is true that the plant world—even the animals if one takes them the right way—can be much better than human beings. It is the mental distortion that makes men worse.

Yes, it is a more simple and honest consciousness—that of the animal. Of course it expects something, but even if it does not get, the affection remains. Many animals, even if ill-treated, do not lose their love which means remarkable psychic development in the vital.

The emotional being of animals is often much more psychic than that of men who can be very insensitive. There were recently pictures of the tame tigress kept by a family and afterwards given by them to a Zoo. The look of sorrow on the face of the tigress in her cage at once gentle and tragically poignant is so intense as to be heart-breaking.

Most animals do not usually attack unless they are menaced or frightened or somehow made angry—and they can feel the atmosphere of people.

Cats have a very sure vital perception.

There are people who can move the ears without doing yoga at all or calling upon the resources of the Kundalini. I suppose it is simply a movement that man has lost through disuse, not having had like the animals to prick up his ear at every moment to listen to sounds that might indicate danger. I suppose

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he could revive the faculty if it were of any use.

[Responsibility for suffering:] Why man's? What about the animals? They too suffer. You can say that suffering is a distortion of the lower consciousness, but you cannot make man or human nature alone responsible for it.

Yes—to watch the animals with the right perception of their consciousness helps to get out of the human mental limitations and see the Cosmic Consciousness on earth individualising itself in all forms—plant, animal, man and growing towards what is beyond man.

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