Material enterprises

Material enterprises 874

Many projects, many attempts, many constructions.

The Mother

 Awakening in matter
Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn., Bombacaceae
Kapok, White silk-cotton tree

Physical description:
Medium-sized cream white flower with five velvety recurving petals set in cup-shaped calyces - borne singly or in small clusters. A very large tree with a spiny trunk and prominent buttresses - the tree bears large pods containing the silk-cotton or kapok of commerce. Page-453

Common name/s
Arbre à kapok, Arbre coton, Arbre kapok, Bois coton, Capoc, Capoquier, Cotonnier de l'Inde, Faux cotonnier, Fromager, Kapokier, Kapokier de Java
कटान, सफेड सावर, सेफेड सेमल, सेफेड सिमुल, saphed simal (Katan, Safed savara, Safed semal, Safed simul, Saphed simal)
Set Simul [Bengali]
Kutasalmali, Kutashalmali, Seta salmali, Svetashalmali [Sanskrit]
Tellaburaga [Telugu]
Ilavam, Ilavu, Ilavum, Illavam panju, Pancu, Panji, Panjirnaram, Panjumaram, Ulagamaram [Tamil]
Ji bei, Ji bei mian, Ji bei mu mian, Zhua wa mu mian [Chinese]
Kapokku, Kiwata kapokku [Japanese]
Белое хлопковое дерево, Капок, Шерстяное дерево
Baumwollbaum, Fuma, Kapokbaum, Wollbaum

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