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Aditi - the Divine Consciousness, Sacred lotus, East Indian lotus
Avatar - the Supreme Manifest on earth in a Body, Sacred lotus, East Indian lotus
The Divine  (32)

Sachchidananda, Ginger lily, Garland lily
Divine Presence, Oyster plant, Boat lily, Cradle lily, Moses in his cradle
Presence, Cape leadwort
Divine Ananda, Common grape vine, Wine grape, European grape
Divine Love, Pomegranate
Divine Sacrifice, Pomegranate
Divine Love spreading over the world, Pomegranate
Unmanifest Divine Love
Divine Love Governing the World, Scarlet flame bean
Call of the Divine Grace, Wooden rose
Divine smile, Champaca, Fragrant champaca
Sri Aurobindo's compassion, Rose moss, Sun plant, Eleven-o'clock
Divine help, Wax mallow
Divine solicitude, Turk's cap
Divine solicitude rightly understood, Turk's cap
Solace, Marvel of Peru, Four-o'clock, False jalap, Beauty of the night
Solace in the mind, Marvel of Peru, Four-o'clock, False jalap, Beauty of the night
Solace in the vital, Marvel of Peru, Four-o'clock, False jalap, Beauty of the night
Integral solace, Marvel of Peru, Four-o'clock, False jalap, Beauty of the night
Blessings, Mournful widow, Sweet scabius, Pincushion flower, Egyptian rose
Blessings on the material world, Mournful widow, Sweet scabius, Pincushion flower, Egyptian rose
Protection, Bougainvillea
Attempt at protection, Bougainvillea
Discreet Protection, Bougainvillea
Psychic protection, Bougainvillea
Emotional Protection, Bougainvillea
Vital protection, Bougainvillea
Physical protection, Bougainvillea
Triple protection, Bougainvillea
Integral protection, Bougainvillea
Manifold Protection, Bougainvillea
Protection of the gods, Bougainvillea
Sign of the Spirit, Mistletoe
Promise, Chinese lantern, Flowering maple, Parlor maple, Indian mallow
Mental Promise, Chinese lantern, Flowering maple, Parlor maple, Indian mallow
Vital promise, Chinese lantern, Flowering maple, Parlor maple, Indian mallow
Promise of Realisation, Nasturtium, Indian cress
Promise of realisation in the mind, Nasturtium, Indian cress
Promise of Realisation in the Physical Mind, Nasturtium, Indian cress
Promise of Realisation in the Physical, Nasturtium, Indian cress
Promise of realisation in Matter, Nasturtium, Indian cress
Promise of renewal, Snowdrop, European snowdrop
Creative Word, Shasta daisy
Descent of the Light, Common laburnum, Golden chain
New world, Annatto, Lipstick tree, Achiote
New creation, Tuberose
Perfect new creation, Tuberose
The future, Pussy willow
Successful future, Indian blanket, Blanket flower, Fire-wheels
Successful future under the supramental influence, Indian blanket, Blanket flower, Fire-wheels
Superhumanity, Dahlia
Radiation of the manifestation
Miracle, Ironwood
To live only for the Divine, Myrtle, Greek myrtle, Swedish myrtle
Attachment to the Divine, Blackberry lily, Leopard lily
Attachment to the Divine, orchids
Attachment to the Divine, orchid
The aim of existence is realised, Orchid
Beauty of attachment to the Divine, Orchid
Mental attachment to the Divine, Orchid
Emotional attachment to the Divine, Orchid
Attachment in the emotional vital to the Divine, Blue orchid
Detailed attachment to the Divine, Orchid
Vital attachment to the Divine, Orchid, Terrestrial orchid
Integral attachment to the Divine, Orchid, Terrestrial orchid
Attachment of the cells to the Divine, Scarlet orchid, Butterfly orchid, Baby orchid
Exclusive turning of all movements towards the Divine, Orchid
Lasting attachment, Ivy
Trust in the Divine
Aspiration for trust in the Divine
Mental trust in the Divine
Trust of the vital mind in the Divine
Trust of the emotional vital in the Divine
Vital trust in the Divine
Integral Trust in the Divine
Friendship with the Divine, Indian-shot, Queensland, Arrowroot, Achira
Progressive Friendship with the Divine, Indian-shot, Queensland, Arrowroot, Achira
Supramental friendship with the Divine, Indian-shot, Queensland, Arrowroot, Achira
Intimacy with the Divine, Crape myrtle, Crepe flower
Intimacy with the Divine in the Psychic, Crape myrtle, Crepe flower
Intimacy with the Divine in the vital, Crape myrtle, Crepe flower
Intimacy with the Divine in the Physical, Crape myrtle, Crepe flower
Integral Intimacy with the Divine, Crape myrtle, Crepe flower
Intimacy with universal Nature, Queen's crape myrtle, Pride of India, Pyinma
Love for the Divine, Rose
Integral love for the Divine, Rose
Psychic Love, Rose
Flaming love for the Divine, Rose
Affection for the Divine, Rose
Tenderness for the Divine, China rose, Bengal rose
Humility in the love for the Divine, Rose
Timidity in Attachment to the Divine, Green rose
Surrender, Rose
Loving Surrender, Rose
Detailed surrender, Fairy rose, Pygmy rose
Pure spiritual surrender, Rose
Perfect surrender, Rose
Mental surrender, Rose
Mental love for the Divine, Rose
Mental love under the psychic influence, Rose
Human Passions Changed into Love for the Divine, Rose
Balance of the nature in the love for the Divine, Rose
Beauty offers itself in service to the Divine, Rose
Psychic soaring of Nature, Dog rose, Common brier, Dog brier, Eglantine
Supramental attachment to the Divine, Rose
Communion with the Divine, Polyantha rose
Love from the Divine, Rose
Road to the Divine
Perfect path, Coffee
Repentance, Finger-grass
Return, Ti, Good-luck plant, Hawaiian good-luck plant
Stages to the Supreme
Soaring, Larkspur
Aspiration, Night jasmine, Tree of sadness
Elan of aspiration, Spider flower, Spider plant
Flame of Aspiration, Maple
Aspiration for purity, Peace lily, Spathe Flower
Aspiration for integral immortality
Aspiration for the Divine Consciousness, Curtain creeper
Triple aspiration, Thorn Straggler
Power of collective aspiration, Wax plant, Honey plant
Psychic aspiration, Ixora
Mental aspiration, Jungle geranium, Flame of the woods, Jungle flame, Burning love
Aspiration In The Physical, Jungle geranium, Flame of the woods, Jungle flame, Burning love
Aspiration in the Physical for The Supramental Light
Prayer, Zephyr flower, Fairy lily, Rain lily
Psychic prayer, Zephyr flower, Fairy lily, Rain lily
Mental prayer, Zephyr flower, Fairy lily, Rain lily
Vital prayer, Zephyr flower, Fairy lily, Rain lily
Integral Prayer, Zephyr flower, Fairy lily, Rain lily
Supramental invocation, Winter daffodil, Lily of the field
Religious thought, Pala indigo plant
True worship
Adoration, Geiger tree
Devotional attitude, Bael tree, Bengal quince
Devotion, Holy basil, Krishna tulsi, Ram tulsi, Tulsi
Conquering fervour, Hoary basil
Joy of Union with the Divine, Common basil, Sweet basil
Right use of the granted Grace, Soap-Wort, Bouncing bet
Seeking for support only in the Divine, St. Vincent lilac, Glycine, Italian jasmine
Offering, Hollyhock
Offering of all Obscurities, Hollyhock
Psychic offering, Hollyhock
Offering of the emotions, Hollyhock
Offering of the vital, Hollyhock
Integral offering of the vital, Hollyhock
Offering of the material vital, Hollyhock
Offering of the most material vital, Hollyhock
Offering of the Physical, Hollyhock
Combined offering of two parts of the being, Hollyhock
Integral offering, Hollyhock
Unconditional integral offering, Morning glory
Entire self-giving, Moonflower, Belle de nuit
Remembrance, Blue potato bush
Constant remembrance of the Divine, Japanese honeysuckle, Gold and silver flower
Remembrance of Sri Aurobindo, Edging lobelia
Glad remembrance, Farewell to spring, Godetia
Lasting remembrance, Garden forget-me-not
Emotional remembrance, Bleeding heart
Subconscient remembrance, Chinese forget-me-not
Mental opening
Emotional opening
Opening of the emotional Vital
Vital opening to the Supramental Light
Integral opening of the being to the Divine
Opening to Sri Aurobindo's Force
Opening to the Light, King's mantle, Bush clock vine
Opening of the higher vital to the Light, King's mantle, Bush clock vine
Opening of the material vital to the Light, King's mantle, Bush clock vine
Integral opening to the Light, King's mantle, Bush clock vine, December flower
Receptivity, Garden gladiolus
Psychic Receptivity, Garden gladiolus
Receptivity of the supramentalised psychic, Garden gladiolus
Mental receptivity, Garden gladiolus
Emotional receptivity, Garden gladiolus
Vital receptivity, Garden gladiolus
Physical receptivity, Garden gladiolus
Integral receptivity, Garden gladiolus
Manifold receptivity, Garden gladiolus
Supramentalised Receptivity, Garden gladiolus
Broadening of the being, Florists' gloxinia, Gloxinia, Brazilian gloxinia, Violet slipper gloxinia
Organised emotional Broadening, Florists' gloxinia, Gloxinia, Brazilian gloxinia, Violet slipper gloxinia
Broadening of the most Material Vital, Florists' gloxinia, Gloxinia, Brazilian gloxinia, Violet slipper gloxinia
Blossoming, Tulip
Concentration, Crown of thorns, Christ thorn
Tapasya, Thorn apple
Mental tapasya, Thorn apple
Vital tapasya, Thorn apple
Integral tapasya, Thorn apple
Perfect tapasya, Angel's trumpet
Detachment from all that is not the Divine, Railway creeper
Renunciation of desires, Teak, Indian oak, Saga, Saigun
Renunciation of emotional desires
Renunciation of vital desires
Integral renunciation of vital desires
Absence of desire, Country gooseberry
Unselfishness, Nepal trumpet flower, Herald's trumpet, Easter lily vine
Abolition of the ego, Eucalptus, Australlian gum, Gum tree, Ironbark, Stringybark
Chastity, Lemon
Continence, Pummelo, Shaddock, Grapefruit
Control, Summer torch
Exclusivism, Guernsey lily
Discipline, Common basil
Determination, Shrub vinca
Resolution, Lady of the night
Steadfastness, Common guava, Yellow guava, Apple guava
Application, Nerve plant, Silver net plant, Silver fittonia, Silver nerve
Regularity, Unicorn plant, Devil's claw, Elephant-tusk, Proboscis flower
Regularity, Common foxglove
Thoroughness, Common garden verbena, Florists' verbena
Psychic Thoroughness, Common garden verbena, Florists' verbena
Vital thoroughness, Common garden verbena, Florists' verbena
Physical Thoroughness, Common garden verbena, Florists' verbena
Integral thoroughness, Common garden verbena, Florists' verbena
Artistic thoroughness, Common garden verbena, Florists' verbena
Attempt towards continuity, Jacobs-coat, Copperleaf, Fire-dragon
Vital Continuity, Jacobs-coat, Copperleaf, Fire-dragon
Physical continuity, Chenille plant, Red-hot cattail, Red cattail, Foxtail
Material continuity, Jacobs-coat, Copperleaf, Fire-dragon
Endurance, Common zinnia, Youth-and-old-age
Courageous endurance, Common zinnia, Youth-and-old-age
Victorious endurance, Common zinnia, Youth-and-old-age
Spontaneous endurance, Common zinnia, Youth-and-old-age
Joyful endurance, Common zinnia, Youth-and-old-age
Ananda of endurance, Common zinnia, Youth-and-old-age
Supramentalised endurance, Common zinnia, Youth-and-old-age
Psychic Endurance, Common zinnia, Youth-and-old-age
Mental endurance, Common zinnia, Youth-and-old-age
Endurance of the higher vital, Common zinnia, Youth-and-old-age
Vital endurance, Common zinnia, Youth-and-old-age
Physical endurance, Common zinnia, Youth-and-old-age
Integral endurance, Common zinnia, Youth-and-old-age
Manifold endurance, Common zinnia, Youth-and-old-age
Detailed endurance
Power of perfect endurance, Persian shield
Perseverance, Ruddles, Common marigold, Scotch marigold, Pot marigold
Detailed perseverance, Creeping daisy, West Indian creeper
Patience, Spanish cherry, Medlar, Tanjong tree
Accomplishment, Spanish cherry Medlar, Tanjong tree
Service, Copper pod, Rusty shield-bearer, Yellow flamboyant, Yellow poinciana, Yellow flame
Work, Black wattle
Works of love, Patience plant, Sultana, Zanzibar balsam, Busy Lizzie
Cheerfulness in work for the divine, Tickweed
Disinterested Work Done for the Divine, Crinum lily, Spider lily, Swamp lily
Disinterested work done for the Divine in the vital, Crinum lily, Spider lily
Power aspiring to become an instrument for the divine work, Passion flower
Mahasaraswati's Perfection in Works
Skill in Work, Annual phlox, Drummond phlox
Skill in psychic work, Annual phlox, Drummond phlox
Skill in mental work, Annual phlox, Drummond phlox
Emotional Skill in Work, Annual phlox, Drummond phlox
Skill in vital work, Annual phlox, Drummond phlox
Physical Skill in Work, Annual phlox, Drummond phlox
Skill in material work, Annual phlox, Drummond phlox
Skill in Integral Work, Annual phlox, Drummond phlox
Artistic work, Annual phlox, Drummond phlox
Radiating skill in work, Annual phlox, Drummond phlox, Star phlox
Aspiration for organisation
Organisation in the Vital
Material Organisation
Integral organisation
Organisation of details
Result of harmonious Organisation
Organised team-work, Carambola tree, Starfruit
Grouping, Pagoda flower
Perfect Planning of work, Indian privet
Help, Lemon grass
Collaboration, Carnation, Clove pink
Obedience, Rainbow Pink
Detailed obedience, Sweet William
Perfect obedience, Rainbow Pink
Cheerful endeavour, Blue-eyed African daisy
Thirst to understand, Chinese lavender
Thirst to learn, Spanish flag
Progress, Madagascar periwinkle, Old maid, Cayenne jasmine, Rose periwinkle
Uninterrupted but spasmodic progress, Madagascar periwinkle, Old maid, Cayenne jasmine, Rose periwinkle
Vital progress, Madagascar periwinkle, Old maid, Cayenne jasmine, Rose periwinkle
Integral progress in the vital, Madagascar periwinkle, Old maid, Cayenne jasmine, Rose periwinkle
Constant progress in Matter, Madagascar periwinkle, Old maid, Cayenne jasmine, Rose periwinkle
Integral progress in Matter, Madagascar periwinkle, Old maid, Cayenne jasmine, Rose periwinkle
Integral progress, Madagascar periwinkle, Old maid, Cayenne jasmine, Rose periwinkle
Simple sincerity, Italian aster
Emotional sincerity, Italian aster
Sincerity in the vital, Italian aster
Transparency, China aster
Psychic transparency, China aster
Supramentalised Psychic Activity, China aster
Transparency of the emotional vital, China aster
Vital transparency, China aster
Supramentalised Vital Transparency, China aster
Transparency in the physical, China aster
Integral transparency, China aster
Illumined transparency, China aster
Purity, Jasmine, Jessamine
Psychic Purity, Jasmine, Jessamine
Integral Purity, Jasmine, Jessamine
Divine purity
Purity arising from perfect consecration, Madonna lily, White lily
Power of purity, Lily of the valley
Radiating purity, Jasmine, Cape jessamine
Perfect radiating purity, Jasmine, Cape jessamine
Purity in action
Collective purity, Japanese snowball
Spring purity, Hawthorn, Thorn, Thorn apple
Integral simplicity, Creeping daisy
Beauty in collective simplicity, Star of Bethlehem, Nap at noon, Summer snowflake
Humility, Dropseed
Modesty, Sweet violet, Garden violet, English violet
Correct Self-Estimation, Italian yellow jasmine
Equanimity, Candytuft
Peace, Zedoary
Joy of integral peace, Crinum lily, Spider lily
Silence, Passion flower
Integral silence, Running pop, Love-in-a-mist, Wild water lemon
Expressive silence, Toadflax, Spurred snapdragon
Detailed gratitude
Mental gratitude, Wood rose, Yellow morning glory, Spanish woodbine, Hawaiian wood rose
Integral gratitude, Wooden rose
Happy Heart
Cheerfulness, Indian blanket, Blanket flower, Fire-wheels
Mental cheerfulness, Indian blanket, Blanket flower, Fire-wheels
Optimism, Wallflower, English wallflower
Joy's call, Canterbury bells, Cup and Saucer
Without grief, Asoka, Sorrowless tree
Gentleness, Sweet pea
Vital gentleness, Sweet pea
Sweetness, Balsam pear, Bitter gourd, Bitter cucumber
Goodwill, Sweet Alison, Sweet alyssum
Courageous goodwill, Holly
Benevolence, Mignonette, Sweet reseda
Good temper, Flowering flax
Balance, Begonia
Perfect balance, Begonia
Psychic Balance, Begonia
Perfect psychic balance, Begonia
Mental balance, Begonia
Perfect mental balance, Begonia
Integral Balance, Begonia
Perfect integral balance, Begonia
Balanced use of integral power, Florists' gloxinia, Gloxinia, Brazilian gloxinia, Violet slipper gloxinia
Harmony, Coral vine, Confederate vine, Mexican creeper, Chain of love
Harmony in the Vital, Coral vine, Confederate vine, Mexican creeper, Chain of love
Harmony in the Material Vital, Coral vine, Confederate vine, Mexican creeper, Chain of love
Integral Harmony
Collective harmony, Hydrangea
Conciliation, Sesame, Gingelly
Charity, Dayflower
Generosity, Garden balsam, Rose balsam
Psychic generosity, Garden balsam, Rose balsam
Generosity in the vital, Garden balsam, Rose balsam
Perfect generosity in the vital, Garden balsam, Rose balsam
Psycho-physical Generosity, Garden balsam, Rose balsam
Generosity in the physical, Garden balsam, Rose balsam
Manifold generosity, Garden balsam, Rose balsam
Faithfulness, Rangoon creeper
Incorruptible faithfulness, Stemless carline thistle
Peace of integral faithfulness
Joy of Integral Faithfulness
Aspiration for the right attitude, Java glory bean, Pagoda flower
Aspiration for the right attitude, Bag flower, Bleeding heart vine
Right attitude
Right attitude established
Enthusiasm, Petunia
Cheerful Enthusiasm, Petunia
Enthusiasm in Action, Petunia
Cheerful Enthusiasm in Action, Petunia
Psychic enthusiasm, Petunia
Cheerful Psychic enthusiasm, Petunia
Enthusiasm in the Higher Vital, Petunia
Cheerful enthusiasm in the higher vital, Petunia
Vital enthusiasm, Petunia
Cheerful Vital enthusiasm, Petunia
Enthusiasm in the most material vital, Petunia
Cheerful Enthusiasm in the Most Material Vital, Petunia
Physical Enthusiasm, Petunia
Cheerful Physical enthusiasm, Petunia
Integral enthusiasm, Petunia
Cheerful integral enthusiasm, Petunia
Life energy, Florists chrysanthemum
Purified dynamic life energy, Florists chrysanthemum
Supramentalised Life Energy, Florists chrysanthemum
Life energy in the vital, Florists chrysanthemum
Life energy in the material, Florists chrysanthemum
Specialised detailed energy, Chrysanthemum
Organised material energy, Australian ivy-palm, Octopus tree, Queensland umbrella tree
Energy turned towards the Divine, Mignonette tree, Henna
Plasticity, Marigold
Mental plasticity, African marigold, Aztec marigold, Big marigold
Energy of a plastic mind, African marigold, Aztec marigold, Big marigold
Physical Plasticity, African marigold, Aztec marigold, Big marigold
Detailed plasticity, French marigold
Supramentalised plasticity, African marigold, Aztec marigold, Big marigold
Courage, Mudar, Madar, Bowstring hemp, Crown plant
Integral courage, Mudar, Madar, Bowstring hemp, Crown plant
Vital Courage
Bravery, Tampala, Chinese spinach
Fearlessness in action, Love-lies-bleeding, Velvet flower, Tassel flower
Fearlessness in the vital
Heroic action
Boldness, Common cockscomb
Spontaneous boldness, Common cockscomb
Mental Boldness, Common cockscomb
Vital boldness, Common cockscomb
Physical boldness, Common cockscomb
Perfect vigilance, Large-flowered magnolia, Bull bay, Southern magnolia
The guardian, Sea holly
Sentry, Virgin's bower, Leather flower, Vasevine
Effort towards the Truth
Absolute Truthfulness, Chalice vine
Straightforwardness, Torch tree
Frankness, Barberton daisy, Transvaal daisy, African daisy
Never tell a lie, Leaf cactus, Blade apple
Spiritual speech, Sprenger asparagus, Sprengeri, Emerald fern, Emerald feather
Power of expression, Snapdragon
Power of psychic Expression, Snapdragon
Power of Mental Expression, Snapdragon
Power of Vital Expression, Snapdragon
Power of Physical Expression, Snapdragon
Power of Integral Expression, Snapdragon
Power of manifold expression, Snapdragon
Progressive expression, Snapdragon
Abundant Expression, Feathered amaranth
Joyful expression, Feathered amaranth
Eloquence, Shell ginger, Pink porcelain lily
To know how to say what is needed, Siamese ginger, Galangal
No Quarrels, Glory lily, Climbing lily
Boastfulness, Mungo tree, Nittu tree
Sharp Tongue
To know how to listen, Pink trumpet vine
Observation, Groundsel
Care, Spider plant, Spider ivy, Ribbon plant
Prudence, Flora's paintbrush, Tassel flower
Enlightened prudence, Flora's paintbrush, Tassel flower
Common sense, Jasmine tobacco, Flowering tobacco
Unostentatious certitude, Balloon flower, Chinese bellflower
Mastery, Rose apple, Jambu mawar, Malabar plum
Knowledge, Lead tree, White popinac
Intuitive knowledge, Divi-divi
Supramental knowledge, Mimosa bush, Sweet wattle, Sweet acacia, Scented Wattle
Knowledge of details
Wisdom, Rain tree, Saman, Monkey pod, Zamang
Striving towards Wisdom, Powderpufftree, Powderpuff
Striving towards integral wisdom
Wisdom in the physical mind, Red powderpuff
Integral wisdom, Siris tree, Woman's tongue tree, Lebbeck tree
Inspiration, Calico flower
Lasting inspiration, Dutchman's pipe, Pelican flower
Revelation, Wild ginger, Crepe ginger
Integral revelation, Wild ginger, Crepe ginger
Consciousness turned towards the Light, Sunflower
Consciousness turned towards the Supramental Light, Sunflower
Intensity of consciousness in the full Supramental Light, Sunflower
Body-consciousness undergoing the supramental transformation, Sunflower
Solid steadfastness in the material consciousness, Red silk-cotton tree, Simul
Attraction for the Light
Light, Day jessamine
Light in the vital
Movements in the Light, Star-cluster, Egyptian star-cluster
Light in the Vital Movements, Star-cluster, Egyptian star-cluster
Psychic Light in the Physical Movements, Star-cluster, Egyptian star-cluster
Psychic light in the Material Movements, Star-cluster, Egyptian star-cluster
Light without obscurity, Amazon lily, Eucharist lily, Madonna lily
Obscurity offers itself to be transformed, Black-eyed Susan vine
Transformation dispels obscurity
Alchemy, Spider lily, Crown beauty, Sea daffodil, Basket flower
Conversion of the aim of life from the ego to the Divine, Kaffir lily
Conversion, Amaryllis, Knight's star lily, Barbados lily
Conversion of the mind, Amaryllis, Knight's star lily, Barbados lily
Conversion of the Physical Mind, Amaryllis, Knight's star lily, Barbados lily
Conversion of the emotional being, Amaryllis, Knight's star lily, Barbados lily
Conversion of the vital, Amaryllis, Knight's star lily, Barbados lily
Conversion of the physical, Amaryllis, Knight's star lily, Barbados lily
Integral conversion, Amaryllis, Knight's star lily, Barbados lily
Integral conversion with the help of the psychic, Amaryllis, Knight's star lily, Barbados lily
Total conversion, Amaryllis, Knight's star lily, Barbados lily
New birth, Sweet marjoram, Knotted marjoram
Beginning of realisation, Scarlet wistaria tree, Vegetable humming-bird
Realisation, Flamboyant, Peacock flower, Flame tree, Royal poinciana
Victory, Common allamanda, Golden trumpetlarge
Victory in the vital, Purple allamanda
Joy of victory
Certitude of victory, Lily thorn, Spanish guava
Transformation, Indian cork tree, Tree jasmine
Attempt towards immortality, Feathered amaranth
Aspiration for immortality, Feathered amaranth
Vital aspiration for immortality, Feathered amaranth
Physical Aspiration for immortality, Feathered amaranth
Immortality, Globe amaranth, Bachelor's button
Vital immortality, Globe amaranth, Bachelor's button
Conscious vital immortality, Globe amaranth, Bachelor's button
Integral immortality, Globe amaranth, Bachelor's button
Supramental immortality, Globe amaranth, Bachelor's button
Integral immortality, Joseph's coat, chaff-flower, joyweed, Broad path
Beauty arising from consecration
Static Beauty, Common camellia
Abundance of beauty, Azalea, Rhododendron
Aristocracy of beauty, African Iris
Aristocracy of beauty, Flag, Fleur-de-lis, Sword lily
Power of beauty, Daffodil
Beauty aspiring for the supramental realisation, Poet's narcissus, Pheasant's eye narcissus
Pride of beauty, Hyacinth, Dutch hyacinth, Common hyacinth
Modesty of beauty, Baby's breath
Smile of Beauty, Oriental cherry, Japanese flowering cherry
Smile of Nature, Almond tree Small
Joy of beauty, Morning glory
Spontaneous beauty, Morning glory
Pure sense of beauty, Morning glory
Art, Lady's eardrops
Beauty in Art, Peony
Artistic taste, Blue dawn flower
Artistic sensitivity, Morning glory
Poetic ecstasy, Chinese wisteria
Distinction, Liac
Refinement, Butterfly bush, Summer lilac
Refinement of habits, Madre de cacao, Nicaraguan cocoa-shade
Refined taste
Delicacy, Coriander, Chinese parsley
Fragile elegance, Windflower, Lily of the field
Sensitivity, Barbados cherry, Acerola
Sensitivity, Miniature holly, Singapore holly
Charm, Elder, Elderberry
Lightness, Jerusalem thorn, Mexican palo verde
Idealism, Cornflower, Blue-bottle, Bachelor's button
Aristocracy, Dahila
Nobility, Dahila
Dignity, Dahila
Psychic Dignity, Dahila
Supramentalised Mental Dignity, Dahila
Dignity of the emotions, Dahila
Dignity in the physical, Dahila
Wealth, Water lily
Supramentalised wealth, Water lily
Wealth in the Mind of Light, Water lily
Wealth under the psychic influence, Water lily
Emotional Wealth, Water lily
Wealth in the vital, Indian red water lily, Water lily
Wealth in the Most Material Vital, Water lily
Generous wealth, Water lily
Integral Wealth of Mahalakshmi, Water lily
First movement of riches towards the Divine, Mexican sunflower
Prosperity, Cannonball tree
Unselfish prosperity, Cannonball tree
Riches, Cactus
Richness of Feelings, Barrel cactus, Easter-lily cactus, Pink Easter-lily cactus
Supramental riches, Night-blooming cereus, Moon cereus
Power  (57)

Godhead, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Ananda, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Divine Grace, Cotton rose, Confederate rose mallow
Agni, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Flame, Japanese hibiscus, Japanese lantern
Supramental Consciousness, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Power of the Supramental Consciousness, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Effective power of the Supermind, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Supramental beauty in the physical, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Beauty of supramental youth, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Beauty of Supramental Love, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Beauty of tomorrow, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Beauty of tomorrow manifesting the Divine, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Power of spiritual beauty, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Victorious beauty, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Victorious love, Cotton rose, Confederate rose mallow
Eternal youth, Hibiscus
Eternal smile, Hibiscus
Ideal of the new creation, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Beauty of the new creation, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Charm of the new creation, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Blossoming of the new creation, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Concentration of the New Creation, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Progress of the new creation, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Manifold Power of the New Creation, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Firmness of the new creation, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Usefulness of the new creation, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Realisation of the new creation, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Power of consciousness, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Consciousness one with the Divine Consciousness, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Will in course of uniting itself with the Divine Will, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Will one with the Divine Will, Rose of sharon, Althaea, Shrub althaea
Faith, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Individual power, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Enlightened individual power, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Power of the Psychic Consciousness, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Psychic Power In Existence, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Mentalised power, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Power in the Converted Mind, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Power in the higher vital, Rose of sharon, Althaea, Shrub althaea
Ananda in the physical, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Sweetness of power surrendered to the Divine, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Light of purified power, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Power of Integral Purity, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Power of harmony, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Aesthetic Power, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Dynamic Power, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Controlled Power, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Power of Action, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Power of Effort, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Power of perseverance, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Power of progress, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Power to progress, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Power of success, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Power of realisation, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Power of the future, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Power in the Service of the Future, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Complexity of the Centres, Canna lily
Physical centre, Canna lily
Connection Between the Supermind and the Physical, Canna lily
Connection Between the Light and the Physical, Canna lily
Ananda in the Physical Body, Canna lily
Vital centre, Canna lily
Emotional centre, Canna lily
Psychic Centre, Canna lily
Illumined mind centre, Canna lily
Intuitive mind centre, Canna lily
Future Supramental Centre, Canna lily
Ananda in the centres, Canna lily
Supramental influence, Cat's claw, Cat's claw trumpet, Funnel creeper, Anikab
Supramental Action
Supramental artistic genius, Sunflower
Beginning of the Supramental Realisation, Flame of the forest, Dhak, Palas
Supramental manifestation, Blood lily
Supramental Immortality Upon Earth, Strawflower, Golden everlasting, Yellow paper daisy
Success in supramental work, Silk-cotton tree, Yellow silk-cotton tree
Realisation of supramental riches, Maple-leaved bayur
Supramental sun, Kadam tree
Supramental Rain, Flame vine, Flame flower, Flaming trump
Supramental bird, Bird of paradise, Crane flower
Spiritual aspiration, Tropical almond, Indian almond, Kamani, Myrobalan
Aspiration for spirituality, Sagw, Ramona
The vital consenting to be spiritualised, Mexican bush sage
Matter consenting to be spiritualised, Scarlet sage
Spiritual ascension, Fiddle-wood, Zitherwood
Spiritual atmosphere, Neem, Margosa
Aspiration for spiritual intensity, Cat's whiskers
Spiritual intensity, Cat's whiskers
Spiritual success
Spiritual beauty, Edelweiss
Spiritual happiness, Geranium, Storksbill
Power of spirituality, Bowstring hemp, Snake plant, Mother-in-law's tongue
Joy of Spirituality, Bowstring hemp, Snake plant, Mother-in-law's tongue
Spiritual perfume, Pandanus palm, Thatch screw pine
Psychic work, Pink shower, Rainbow shower
Psychic tranquillity
Psychic peace, Easter tree, Conessi, Kurchi, Jasmine tree
Psychic influence in the emotions
Thirst for perfection, Shrimp plant, Mexican shrimp plant, Shrimp bush, False hop
Organisation of the being around the psychic
Psychological perfection, Frangipani, Temple tree, Nosegay, West Indian jasmine, Pagoda tree
Psychological perfection on the way to Fulfilment, Frangipani, Temple tree, Nosegay, West Indian jasmine, Pagoda tree
Psychological perfection in Matter, Frangipani, Temple tree, Nosegay, West Indian jasmine, Pagoda tree
Integral psychological perfection, Frangipani, Temple tree, Nosegay, West Indian jasmine, Pagoda tree
Perfect psychological perfection, Frangipani, Temple tree, Nosegay, West Indian jasmine, Pagoda tree
Perfect radiating psychology
Supramentalised Psychological Perfection, Champaca, Fragrant champaca
Mind, Yellow oleander, Be-still tree
Purified Mind, Yellow oleander, Be-still tree
Reason, Climbing ilang-ilang
Clear Mind, Climbing ilang-ilang
Attentive Mind, Senna, Shower tree
Awakening in the Mind, West Indian holly, Sage rose
Awakening of the physical mind, West Indian holly, Sage rose
Aspiration for silence in the mind, Blue sage
Aspiration for silence in the Physical mind, Blue sage
Physical Mind, Trumpet bush
Higher mind, Yellow bells, Yellow elder
Voice of the higher mind
Conversion of the higher mind, Golden hurricane lily, Golden spider lily
Work of the enlightened mind, Caper tree
Perfect Working of the Mind, Blue lace flower
Aspiration of the mind for the supramental guidance
Response of the mind to the Supramental Light, Blood flower, Swallow wort, Matal, Indian root
Response of the physical mind to the Supramental Light, Blood flower, Swallow wort, Matal, Indian root
Supramentalised Mind, Yellow oleander, Be-still tree, Lucky nut
Mind of Light acting in Matter, Moreton Bay chestnut, Australian chestnut, Black bean
Kind mind, Angled luffa, Sing-kwa, Ridge gourd, Sponge gourd
Mental simplicity, Golden fleece, Dahlberg daisy
Mental Goodwill
Mental honesty
Honesty in the Physical mind
Mental sincerity
Birth of true mental sincerity
Mental purity, Crape jasmine, Crape gardenia, Pinwheel flower, East Indian rosebay
Integral mental purity, Crape jasmine, Crape gardenia, Pinwheel flower, East Indian rosebay
Perfect mental purity, Crape jasmine, Crape gardenia, Pinwheel flower, East Indian rosebay
Mental chastity
Mentalised power, Okra, Gumbo, Lady's-finger
Formative faculty in the mind, Sun hemp
Correct perception, Ilang-ilang
Mental suggestions of organisation, Chinese rice flower
Mental spirit of imitation
Mental voice, Wild sage
Curiosity, Cup and saucer plant, Mandarins-hat, Chinese- hat plant, Parasol flower
Mental curiosity, Cup and saucer plant, Mandarins-hat, Chinese- hat plant, Parasol flower
Physical Curiosity, Cup and saucer plant, Mandarins-hat, Chinese- hat plant, Parasol flower
Mental fantasy
Imagination, Golden-shower tree, Purging cassia, Indian laburnum, Pudding pipe tree
Inventions, Common broom, Scotch broom
Inventions, Gold finch broom, Normandy broom, Scotch broom
Idea, Seven golden candlesticks, Ringeorm shrub, Empress candle plant, Christmas candle
Fire in The Mind, Barbados pride, Paradise flower Peacock flower, Barbados flower fence
Seeking for clarity, Treasure flower
Logic in thought, Honey mesquite
Heroic thought, Princess vine
Thoughts turned towards the Divine, Pansy, Ladies' delight, Heart's ease, Stepmother's flower
Integrally pure thoughts, Pansy, Ladies' delight, Heart's ease, Stepmother's flower
Sweetness of thought turned exclusively towards the Divine, Oleander, Rosebay
Contemplation of the Divine, Oleander, Rosebay
Quiet Mind, Oleander, Rosebay
Quietness established in the mind, Oleander, Rosebay
Perfect Quietness in the Mind, Oleander, Rosebay
Turning of wrong movements into right movements, Oleander, Rosebay
Surrender of all Falsehood, Oleander, Rosebay
The vital's Possibility of Perfection, Peacock orchid
Vital opening, Glow vine, Purple bignonia, Purple funnel vine
Vital consecration, Heliotrope, Cherry-pie
Attempt at vital goodwill, Green ebony
Consent of the vital, Bush Violet
Enthusiastic vital consent, Bush Violet
Correct movement in the vital, African violet, Usambara violet
Correct movement, African violet, Usambara violet
Vital honesty, Resurrection lily, Tropical crocus
Vital patience, Flossflower, Pussy-foot
Vital contentment, Orchid tree, Mountain ebony
Stability in the Vital, Butterfly tree, Orchid tree
Stability in the higher vital, Butterfly tree, Orchid tree
Peace in the vital, Orange jessamine, Satin-wood, Cosmetic-bark tree, Chinese box
Silence in the vital, Monkey-faced pansy, Orchid pansy, Japanese pansy, Cupid's bower
Aspiration for Vital Purity, Pigeon berry, Sky flower, Golden dewdrop
Vital purity, Pigeon berry, Sky flower, Golden dewdrop
Radiating vital purity, Climbing oleander
Candid simplicity in the vital, Sorrel, Shamrock
Strength in the vital, Coleus, Painted nettle
Quiet strength in the vital, Wandering Jew, Inch plant
Illumined strength in the vital, Love-lies-bleeding, Velvet flower, Tassel flower
Spiritual aspiration in the Vital, Feathered amaranth
Spiritual awakening of the vital, Coleus, Painted nettle
Spiritual ascension of the vital, Blue snakeweed, Common snakeweed, Jamaican vervain
First Turning of the Vital to the Divine Light, Black-eyed Susan, Marguerite jaune
Seeking the Light in the lower vital
Success in the most Material Vital, Tree cotton
Attachment of the Material vital to the Divine
Vital aspiration for union with the Divine, Knotweed, Smartweed
Opening of the vital to the Divine Love, Poinsettia, Christmas star, Christmas flower
Opening of the vital to the Divine Love, Painted leaf, Fire on the mountain, Mexican fire plant
The vital governed by the Presence
Liberation in the vital
Distinction of the vital, Chinaberry, Persian lilac, Pride of India, Bead tree
Elegance in the emotions, Philippine violet
Refinement of emotions, Yesterday-today-and-tomorrow, Morning-noon- and-night, Paraguayan jasmine
Opening of the emotional centre to the Light, Bower plant
Broadening of the emotional centre, Canterbury bells
Purity in the Emotional centre
Collective Emotions Open to the Divine, Bejuco de ajo, Garlic-vine
Emotional abundance, White-flowered gourd, Bottle gourd, Calabash gourd, Hercules' club
The emotions awake to the first contact with the Divine, Mountain thistle
Refinement of sensations
Purified Senses, Blue pea, Blue vine, Butterfly pea, Mussel-shell creeper, Pigeon wings
Organisation of action in life, Burning bush
True action in the material vital
Vital will manifested in life, Flame violet, Red violet, Scarlet violet
Will manifested in life, Flame violet
Aspiration for the conquest of enemies in the vital, Moss verbena
Will to conquer vital enemies, Moss verbena
Conquest over vital enemies, Moss verbena
Power to reject adverse suggestions, Croton
Perpetual Vitality
Steadfast vitality, Betel palm, Betel-nut-palm, Areca nut palm, Catechu
Vital plenitude, Cowslip creeper, West Coast creeper
Formative faculty in the vital, Rattlebox
Vital impulses, Caricature plant
Vital fantasy, Jewels of Opar, Fameflower
Vital sensitivity, Sensitive plant, Touch-me-not, Shame plant, Live-and-die, Humble plant
Pride, Dahila
Mental Pride, Dahila
Vital pride, Dahila
Vanity, Dahila
Passion, African tulip tree, Tulip tree, Bell flambeau
Greed for money, Bird's-eye bush
A Whipping, Capsicum, Paprika, Cayenne pepper, Red pepper, Chili pepper
Conquest of the armies, Carrion flower, Starfish flower
Physical Consciousness turned entirely towards the Divine, Mexican sunflower
Spiritual aspiration in the physical
Aspiration in the physical for the Divine Love, Coral plant, Fountain plant, Firecracker plant
Opening of the physical to the Divine Love
Love in the physical for the Divine, Cypress vine, Star-glory, Indian pink, Cardinal climber
Humility before the Divine in the physical nature
Peace in the physical, Alexandrian laurel, Indian laurel, Laurelwood
Integrally equal basis in the physical, Glory bower, Glory tree
Light in the blood, Fennel
Light in the blood, Dill
Purity in the blood
Peace in the nerves
Peace in the cells, White ixora
Radiating peace in the cells
Light in The cells, Shrub verbena
Purity in the cells, Shrub verbena
Emotional Beauty in the Cells, Shrub verbena
Supramental Influence in the Cells, Shrub verbena
Peace in the sex centre, Indian mulberry, Awl tree, Painkiller
Sex centre aspiring to be purified, Flamingo flower, Flamingo lily, Oilcloth flower
Purified sex centre
Mastery of sex, Flamingo flower, Tail flower
Transformed sex centre, Angel wings, Elephant's-ear, Mother-in-law plant
Supramental influence in the sex centre
Tranquillity of the sex centre when it is under the influence of the Supramental Light
Supramental Light in the sex centre
Hygienic organisation, Horse-radish tree, Ben, Oil of Ben tree, Drum- stick tree
Conquest over the greed for food
Health, Portia tree
Material Power to Heal, Rock purslane
Spiritual power of healing, Purple wreath, Sandpaper, Queens-wreath, Bluebird vine
Repose, Butterfly bush
Dreams, Barbados aloe, Curacao aloe, Medicinal aloe
Power of Truth in the Subconscient, Cape honeysuckle
Divine Will acting in the Subconscient, Tubeflower, Turk's-turban
Aspiration for the supramental guidance in the Subconscient, Cardinal s guard
First response of the Subconscient to the supramental action, Gout plant, Tartogo, Australian bottle plant
Supramental influence in the Subconscient, Firecracker flower
Supramental Light in the Subconscient, Firecracker flower
Psychic light in the Subconscient, Firecracker flower
Divine Will acting in the Inconscient
First appearance of purity in the Inconscient
First response of the Inconscient to the Divine Force, Sausage tree
Nature makes an offering of her beauty
Blossoming of Nature, Ling, Scots heather
Spontaneous joy of nature, Corn poppy, Field poppy, Flanders poppy, Shirley poppy
Kindness of Nature, Clover, Trefoil
Nature's hope for realisation, Mango tree
Divine Knowledge, Mango
Spontaneous aspiration of Nature towards the Divine, Ox-eye daisy, Moon daisy, Marguerite
First conscious reception of the Light in Nature, Widow's tears, Dayflower
Joy of vegetal Nature in answer to the new Light, Bottlebrush bush, Bottlebrush
Vegetal goodwill towards the supramental forces
Nature aspires to be supramentalised
Awakening and first response of Nature to the supramental manifestation, Peregrina, Spicy jatropha
Abundance, Autumn squash, Winter squash, Pumpkin
Multitude, Coconut
Growth, Primrose
Primitive succulence, Calabur, Jamaicn Cherry
Scented marvel, Persian violet, Alpine violet, Sowbread
Sun-drop, Chinese-lantern, Winter cherry, Bladder cherry
Rising star
Light in fairyland, Air plant, Life plant, Hoppers
Joy in fairyland
Fairy freshness, Logwood, Campeachy, Bloodwood tree
Bird of paradise, False bird of paradise, Lobster claw, Wild plantain
Vital joy in Matter, Cupflower
First mental awakening in Matter, Caltrop, Devil's weed, Puncture vine, Burnut
First appearance of the psychic in Matter, Coral plant, Physic nut
Psychic awakening in Matter, Native hope
The psychic governs Matter, Coral Tree
Beginning of realisation in Matter, Coral Tree
Matter prepares itself to receive the Supramental, Coral Tree
Matter aspiring for the supramental guidance
Matter under the supramental guidance, Scarlet bush, Firebush
Material enterprises, Kapok, White silk-cotton tree
Splendour and opulence in material life
Material abundance, Cotton
Silver, Brisbane lily
Gold, St. Thomas tree, Yellow bauhinia, Bell bauhinia
Purified gold, Dwarf white bauhinia
Ether, Bridal bouquet, Christ vine, Snow creeper, Snow-in-the-jungle
Air, Lady of the night, Night jessamine
Fire, Barbados pride, Paradise flower, Peacock flower, Barbados flower fence
Water, Bridal creeper, Horse-tail creeper, Snow creeper
Radha's consciousness, Blue pea, Blue vine, Butterfly pea, Pigeon wings, Mussel-shell creeper
Radha's consciousness in the vital, Blue pea, Blue vine, Butterfly pea, Pigeon wings, Mussel-shell creeper
Krishna's light in the Overmind, Mealy sage, Mealy-cup sage
Krishna's Light in the Mind, Blue trumpet vine, Clock vine, Bengal clock vine, Sky vine
Krishna's light in the physical mind
Krishna's Light in the Senses, Blue pea, Blue vine, Butterfly pea, Pigeon wings, Mussel-shell creeper
Krishna's light in the vital, Meadow-weed, Menow weed
First sign of Krishna's light in Matter
Krishna's influence in the Subconscient
Krishna's light in the Subconscient
Krishna's play in the vital, Water hyacinth, Water orchid
Krishna's play, Wishbone flower, Bluewings
Krishna's play in Matter, Wishbone flower, Bluewings
Krishna's integral Play, Wishbone flower, Bluewings
Krishna's Ananda, Cape leadwort