Manifold generosity

Manifold generosity 363

All in Nature is spontaneously generous.

The Mother

Impatiens bahamina L., Balsaminaceae.
Garden balsam, Rose balsam

Physical description:
All bicoloured flowers except pink and red.

Additional reference:
Generosity - Small to medium-sized single or double flowers with irregular wavy petals and a long thin spur, often in camellia or roselike forms - in shades of red, pink, purple and white, often variegated - borne singly in the leaf axils on very thin stalks. A bushy garden annual with succulent stems and serrate leaves.

Common name/s
Balsamine, Balsamine des jardins, Impatiente
गुल-मेहंदी, गुलेंडी (Gul-mehndi, Gulmendi)
Tairini [Sanskrit]
Tsuri-fune-so [Japanese]
Бальзамин садовый, Недотрога бальзаминовая
Balsamine, Gartenspringkraut

Manifold generosity (1)
Manifold generosity (2)

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