Integral silence

Integral silence 322

The source of true force.

The Mother

Passiflora foetida, Passifloraceae.
Running pop, Love-in-a-mist, Wild water lemon

Physical description:
Small delicate white flower backed by three viscid hairy green bracts and filled with numerous curled filaments - the pale green anthers and styles arise from a short staminal column - borne singly or in pairs from the leaf axils. A small perennial wayside vine with densely hairy stems and soft downy leaves that are shallowly three-lobed.

Common name/s
Fleur de la Passion, Marie-Gougeat
झुमका लता (Jhumka lata)
Jhumka lota [Bengali]
Mukkopeera [Sanskrit]
Tellajumiki [Telugu]
Ciru punai-k-kali [Tamil]
Пассифлора вонючая
Stinkende Grenadille, Übelriechende Passionsblume

Integral silence (1)
Integral silence (2)

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