Formative faculty in the mind

Formative faculty in the mind 703

It is a natural and very spontaneous gift.

The Mother

Crotalaria juncea L., Leguminosae, Papilionoideae
Sun hemp

Physical description:
Small bright yellow papilionaceous flower - borne in terminal racemes. A shrub with trifoliate leaves and grooved striated stems commonly cultivated for its fibre.

Common name/s
Chanvre du Bengale, Crotalaire, Crotolaire jonciforme
KHARIF, SAN, SAN-KE-BINJ, SANNAI, SANNAI SUNN, SUNN (Kharif, San, San-ke-binj, Sannai, Sannai sunn, Sunn)
Ghore sun, Shon, Shonpat [Bengali]
San, Sana, Sanah, Sunn [Sanskrit]
Gilaka, Shanama [Telugu]
Kuttiram, Kuttu, Sanal, Sannappu, Vakkunnar [Tamil]
Shu ma [Chinese]
Kurotararia junsea [Japanese]
Bengalischer Hanf, Bombay Hanf, Sanhanf

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