
Patience 244

Indispensable for all realisation.

The Mother

Mimusops elengi L., Sapotaceae.
Spanish cherry, Medlar, Tanjong tree

Physical description:
Small cream white strongly scented flower with four pointed sepals overlaid with a ring of narrow fringelike petals and an inner ring of petals that form a central cone - borne in small compact axillary clusters. A medium to large spreading evergreen tree. Early comment: Patience is the capacity to wait steadily for the realisation to come.

Common name/s
Marouc, Néflier, Ravalli
बाकुल, मौल्सरी, मुल्सारी (Bakul, Maulsari, Mulsari)
Bakul [Bengali]
Bakula, Kesara [Sanskrit]
Magilam, Magizh, Magizhamboo, Mahilam [Tamil]
Мимусопс эленги

Cream white

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