The vital consenting to be spiritualised

The vital consenting to be spiritualised 646

A great victory over the lower nature.

The Mother

Salvia leucantha Cav., Labiatae.
Mexican bush sage

Physical description:
Small velvety white to pale mauve tubular bilabiate flower half enclosed by a very soft velvety purple calyx - borne in tiers on long arching racemes. A subshrub with a silvery pubescence on the stems and backs of the lanceolate leaves.

Common name/s

The vital consenting to be spiritualised (1)
The vital consenting to be spiritualised (2)
The vital consenting to be spiritualised (3)
The vital consenting to be spiritualised (4)
The vital consenting to be spiritualised (5)
The vital consenting to be spiritualised (6)
The vital consenting to be spiritualised (7)

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