Intensity of consciousness in the full Supramental Light

Intensity of consciousness in the full Supramental Light 466

It is radiant and shining in order to illumine the world.

The Mother

 Consciousness  Supramental
Helianthus L. Spp., Compositae

Physical description:
Medium to large fully double yellow compositae flowers - borne singly or in corymbs.

Additional reference:
Consciousness turned towards the Light - Medium to large single compositae flowers with a prominent centre of brown or green disc florets and light to deep yellow ray florets - borne singly. An annual or perennial herb. Early comment: Consciousness is the faculty of becoming aware of anything through identification. The Divine Consciousness is not only aware but knows and effects. To become aware of a vibration, for instance, does not mean that you know everything about it.

Common name/s
Hélianthe, Soleil, Tournesol

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