
Steadfastness 211

What it has chosen it keeps and does not like to change.

The Mother

Psidium guajava L., Myrtaceae.
Common guava, Yellow guava, Apple guava

Physical description:
Medium-sized mildly fragrant white saucer- shaped flower with five petals and a prominent centre of numerous stamens - borne in pairs in few-flowered clusters. A small to medium-sized evergreen fruit tree.

Common name/s
Gouyave, Goyavier, Goyavier commun
अमरद, अमरद, अमरुत (Amarūd, Amrud, Amrut)
Peyārā [Bengali]
Koorayā, Koyya, Sengoyya [Tamil]
Fan shi liu, Fan tao [Chinese]
Banjiro, Banjirou [Japanese]
Гуава, Гуайява перуанская, Гуаява
Echte Guave, Grosse Gelbe Guajave, Guajave, Guave, Guavenbaum, Guayave

Steadfastness (1)
Steadfastness (2)
Steadfastness (3)

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