Attachment to the Divine

Attachment to the Divine 57

 Attachment to the divine
Belamcanda chinensis (L.) DC., Iridaceae
Blackberry lily, Leopard lily

Physical description:
Small deep orange flower with six narrow widely separated petals covered with bright red spots - borne in loose corymbs on long narrow stems. A rhizomatous perennial herb with broad swordlike leaves. Page-373

Common name/s
Orchidee, Fleur "Léopard", Iris, Iris tigré, Orchidée, Orchidée "Cattleya"

Deep orange

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Attachment to the Divine 58

Wraps itself around the Divine and takes all its support in Him, so as to be sure of never leaving Him. Offers itself spontaneously to the Divine.

The Mother


Physical description:
Considered to be the largest family of flowering plants and the most hightly evolved, orchids are found in every colour of the spectrum and encompass an extraordinary range of size and from. They are usually epiphytic in tropical regions where they are most numerous, and terrestrial in temperate and arctic regions.

Common name/s
Orchidee, Fleur "Léopard", Iris, Iris tigré, Orchidée, Orchidée "Cattleya"

Attachment to the Divine (1) [58]
Attachment to the Divine (2) [58]

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Attachment to the Divine 59

Wraps itself around the Divine and takes all its support in Him, so as to be sure of never leaving Him.

The Mother

Cattleya Lindl., Orchidaceae

Physical description:
All species in many colours except white and lavender pink.

Additional reference:
The aim of existence is realised - Orchid Large fragrant white flower with three narrow petal-like sepals held behind two wide horizontal trilled petals and a third lower petal modified to form a showy lip - borne in few-flowered racemes. Among the most beautiful of all orchids. An epiphyte with thick stiff leaves and pseudo-bulbs.

Common name/s
Orchidee, Fleur "Léopard", Iris, Iris tigré, Orchidée, Orchidée "Cattleya"

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