Perfect new creation

Perfect new creation 49

Clustered, complete, manifold, it affirms its right to be.

The Mother

Polianthes tuberosa L., Agavaceae.

Physical description:
Double white flower.

Additional reference:
New creation - Highly fragrant medium-sized tubular white flower with six separated lobes - borne in long spikelike racemes. A bulbous perennial herb with narrow fleshy basal leaves. Early name: Pure creation

Common name/s
Mimosa, Tubéreuse
रजनीगंधा (Rajanigandha)
Nelasampengi [Telugu]
Nila Sampangi [Tamil]
Полиантес клубненосный, Тубероза
Nachthyazinthe, Tuberose

Perfect new creation (1)
Perfect new creation (2)

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