
Passion 795

It is a force, but it is dangerous and can only be useful if it is perfectly surrendered to the Divine.

The Mother

Spathodea campanulata Beauvois., Bignoniaceae
African tulip tree, Tulip tree, Bell flambeau

Physical description:
Large reddish orange curved bell-shaped flower with a golden orange throat, five somewhat separated lobes finely edged with bright yellow and a leathery calyx - borne in large tight terminal clusters in which the outer flowers open first. A large handsome evergreen tree with a rounded crown.

Common name/s
Tulipier du Gabon
रगटूरा (Rugtoora)
Rudrapalash [Bengali]
Patadi [Tamil]
Фиалка, Фиалка ароматная
Afrikanischer Tulpenbaum

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