Beauty in collective simplicity

Beauty in collective simplicity 314

Each element plays its part in the whole.

The Mother

Ornithogalum umbellatum L., Liliaceae.
Star of Bethlehem, Nap at noon, Summer snowflake

Physical description:
Small white star-shaped flowers with six pointed petals - borne in compact many-flowered racemes. A small bulbous plant with narrow leaves.

Common name/s
Dame d'onze heures, Ornithogale, Ornithogale en ombelle
San hua hu yan wan nian qing [Chinese]
Orunitogarumu unberatumu [Japanese]
Птицемлечник зонтичный
Dolden-Milchstern, Stern von Bethlehem, Vogelmilch

Beauty in collective simplicity (1)
Beauty in collective simplicity (2)

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