Attraction for the Light

Attraction for the Light 469

In its attraction it tries to imitate the stars.

The Mother

Curculigo orchioides Gaertn., Hypoxidaceae.

Physical description:
Small golden yellow star-shaped flower borne near the base of the plant on a short scape. A slender tuberous herb with long lanceolate delicately veined leaves.

Common name/s
काली मुसली, kalimusli, सियाह-मुसली (Kali musli, Kalimusli, Siyah-musli)
Talamuli [Bengali]
Talamuli, Talamulika [Sanskrit]
Kuratti, Nilappanai, Nilappanaikkilanku [Tamil]
Xian mao [Chinese]

Attraction for the Light (1)
Attraction for the Light (2)

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