Solid steadfastness in the material consciousness

Solid steadfastness in the material consciousness 468

The material consciousness has a firm and solid steadfastness.

The Mother

Bombax ceiba L., Bombacaceae
Red silk-cotton tree, Simul

Physical description:
Large deep red flower with five fleshy recurved petals and prominent Stamens

Common name/s
Arbre bombax, Bombax, Fromager, Fromager pyramidal, Kapokier
Kāntisenbal, kanti-senbal, ragat-senbal, rakat senbal, semal, semar kanda, semul, semur, shalmali, शेम्बल, shimbal, simal, simul (Kāntisenbal, Kanti-senbal, Ragat-senbal, Rakat senbal, Semal, Semar kanda, Semul, Semur, Shalmali, Shembal, Shimbal, Simal, Simul)
Katseori, Roktosimul [Bengali]
Mahavriksha, Purani, Sālmali, Salmali, Shaalmali, Tulini [Sanskrit]
Ilavu, Mullilavu, Purani, Puulā, Sanmali, Sittan [Tamil]
Mu mian [Chinese]
Бомбакс малабарский, Красное хлопковое дерево
Indischer Seidenwollbaum, Roter Seidenwollbaum, Semul


Solid steadfastness in the material consciousness (1)
Solid steadfastness in the material consciousness (2)
Solid steadfastness in the material consciousness (3)

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