Promise of realisation in the mind

Promise of realisation in the mind 40

The mind must become silent in order to let the Supramental Consciousness take its place.

The Mother

Tropaeolum majus L., Tropaeolaceae.
Nasturtium, Indian cress

Physical description:
Yellow flower,

Additional reference:
Promise of Realisation - Medium-sized mildly fragrant showy flowers with two upper and three lower contrasting petals and a prominent spur, in white and shades of yellow, salmon pink, orange and red, often variegated - borne singly on long stems. A somewhat succulent annual herb with orbicular peltate edible leaves.

Common name/s
Capucine, Cresson d'Inde, Grande capucine

Promise of realisation in the mind (1)
Promise of realisation in the mind (2)

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