Offering of the Physical

Offering of the Physical 153

The proof of the resolution to liberate oneself from the ego. Let the physical offer itself sin- cerely to the Divine and it will be transformed.

The Mother

 Offering  Physical
Alcea rosea L., Malvaceae.

Physical description:
Red flowers, single or double.

Additional reference:
Offering - Medium to large funnel-shaped flowers with satiny overlapping lobes and a short stamina! column covered with loose yellow pollen - in white and shades of pink, purple and yellow - borne on tall spirelike stems. (There are also many double forms, often with scalloped or frilled edges.) A tall biennial herb with rough hairy leaves.

Common name/s
Mauve de jardin, Passerose, Passe-rose, Rose trémière, Rose-trémière
Алтей розовый
Chinesische Stockrose, Gewöhnliche Stockrose, Stockmalve, Stockrose


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