
Continence 205

Control over oneself.

The Mother

Citrus maxima (Burm.) Merrill., Rutaceae.
Pummelo, Shaddock, Grapefruit

Physical description:
Small fragrant white star-shaped flower with fleshy petals and numerous stamens - borne singly or in small clusters. A small to medium- sized tree.

Common name/s
Chadec, Pamplemousse, Pamplemousse doux des Antilles, Pamplemoussier, Shadek
Batāvīnīmbū, batawi nimbu, cakotarā, sadaphal (Batāvīnīmbū, Batawi nimbu, Cakotarā, Sadaphal)
Chakotra [Bengali]
Madhukarkati [Sanskrit]
Nimmapandu, Pampara [Telugu]
Elumicham, Pambalimasu [Tamil]
Zhu luan [Chinese]
Bontan, Buntan, Pomero, Zabon [Japanese]
Помело, Помпельмус, Цитрус крупный, Щедок
Adamsapfel, Lederorangenbaum, Pampelmuse, Pomelo, Pumelo, Riesenorange

Continence (1)
Continence (2)

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