Intimacy with the Divine in the vital

Intimacy with the Divine in the vital 83

Only a pure, calm and desireless vital can hope to enter this marvellous state.

The Mother

 Divine  Vital
Lagerstroemia indica L., Lythraceae.
Crape myrtle, Crepe flower

Physical description:
Light purple flower.

Additional reference:
Intimacy with the Divine - Medium-sized mildly fragrant flower, in a variety of colours, with delicate deeply crinkled petals and a conspicuous central tuft of yellow anthers - borne in dense terminal panicles. A floriferous shrub or small tree.

Common name/s
Lilas, Lilas des Indes
साओनी (Saoni)
Chinagoranta [Telugu]
Pavalakkurinji [Tamil]
Лагерстремия индийская

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