Psychic tranquillity

Psychic tranquillity 659

By its very nature the psychic is tranquil.

The Mother

Vallaris solanacea (Roth.) Kuntze., Apocynaceae.

Physical description:
Small fragrant white open campanulate flower with the edge of the corolla crimped and wavy - borne in many-flowered cymes. A dense vigorous vine with light green leaves and milky sap

Common name/s
चामरी-की वेल, चमरिकिवेल, दुखी की बेल, रामसर, रामसूर (Chamari-ki vel, Chamarikivel, Dudhi ki bel, Ramsar, Ramsur)
Ramsar [Bengali]
Bhadramunja, Bhadravalli [Sanskrit]
ookamallechettu, Puttupodarayarala [Telugu]

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Psychic tranquillity (2)

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