Timidity in Attachment to the Divine

Timidity in Attachment to the Divine 94

Full of life, but does not know how to turn this life into an offering to the Divine. Further comment: I want to say that the attachment is not complete and unreserved - there are some parts of the being that question and hold back because they do not have total trust - one might say that it is a conditional attachment, such as: 'If the Divine does what I want, I will remain attached to Him.'

The Mother

 Attachment to the divine
Rosa chinensis Jacq. 'Viridiflora'., Rosaceae.
Green rose

Physical description:
Small double green flower. A small shrub.

Common name/s
Rose, Rose de Chine
Yue ji, Yue ji hua [Chinese]

Timidity in Attachment to the Divine (1)
Timidity in Attachment to the Divine (2)
Timidity in Attachment to the Divine (3)

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