Vital Courage

Vital Courage 405

Must be controlled to be beneficial.

The Mother

Solanum melongena L. Var. Insanum Prain., Solanaceae.

Physical description:
Small purple star-shaped flower with a prominent yellow centre of five erect anthers - borne in few flowered cymes. An extremely prickly scandent subshrub. Page-405

Common name/s
Aubergine, Béringène, Bringelle, Mélongène
बदंजन, बेगन, बिगुन, बिंगन, ब्रिंजल (Badanjan, Baigan, Baigun, Baingan, Brinjal)
Bhantaki, Vartaku [Sanskrit]
Kattari, Kattiri, Valutalai [Tamil]
Qie, Qie zi [Chinese]
Daimaru nasu, Nasu [Japanese]
Aubergine, Eierfrucht, Eierpflanz

yellow centre

Vital Courage (1)
Vital Courage (2)

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