Joy of Spirituality

Joy of Spirituality 656

The reward of sincere effort.

The Mother

Sansevieria Thumb. spp., Agavaceae.
Bowstring hemp, Snake plant, Mother-in-law's tongue

Physical description:
Flowers are borne in small clusters sparsely arranged along the erect stalks. A perennial herb with flat swordlike leaves strikingly mottled with contrasting shades of green.

Additional reference:
Power of spirituality - Small white to dusty white scented tubular flowers with a narrow corolla tube, six narrow recurved lobes and six erect exserted stamens - borne in dense clusters on a very long stalk. A perennial herb with thick cylindrical leaves marked with very thin dark green stripes.

Common name/s
Langue de belle-mère, Sansévière, Langue de belle-mère, Sansévière
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