Success in supramental work

Success in supramental work 639

The result of patient labour and perfect consecration.

The Mother

Cochlospermum religiosum (L.) Alston., Bixaceae.
Silk-cotton tree, Yellow silk-cotton tree

Physical description:
Medium-sized golden yellow saucer-shaped flower with five petals and a prominent centre of numerous curving yellow stamens shaded red at the base - borne in few-flowered panicles . A small tree with deeply lobed leaves.

Common name/s
गबदी, गालगल (Gabdi, Galgal)
Sonali simul [Bengali]
Girisalmalika, Silakarpasika [Sanskrit]
Konda gogu [Telugu]
Kattupparutti [Tamil]
Кохлоспермум священный

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