Offering of all Obscurities

Offering of all Obscurities 146

Offer your obscurities sincerely to the Divine and you will be able to receive the Light.

The Mother

Alcea rosea L., Malvaceae.

Physical description:
Dark purple, almost black flowers, single or double.

Additional reference:
Offering - Medium to large funnel-shaped flowers with satiny overlapping lobes and a short stamina! column covered with loose yellow pollen - in white and shades of pink, purple and yellow - borne on tall spirelike stems. (There are also many double forms, often with scalloped or frilled edges.) A tall biennial herb with rough hairy leaves.

Common name/s
Mauve de jardin, Passerose, Passe-rose, Rose trémière, Rose-trémière
Алтей розовый
Chinesische Stockrose, Gewöhnliche Stockrose, Stockmalve, Stockrose

Offering of all Obscurities (1)
Offering of all Obscurities (2)
Offering of all Obscurities (3)
Offering of all Obscurities (4)

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