Purified Mind

Purified Mind 672

Mind ready to surrender to the Divine.

The Mother

Thevetia peruviana 'Alba', Apocynaceae.
Yellow oleander, Be-still tree

Physical description:
Lucky nut White flower.

Additional reference:
Mind - Medium-sized fragrant yellow narrow funnel-shaped flower with swirled petals - borne in few-flowered cymes. A large shrub or small tree with glossy linear lanceolate leaves and highly poisonous fruits.

Common name/s
Oléandre jaune
पील कनेर, पिला-कैनर, पिल्कर, पनीला-काहर (Peeli kaner, Pila-kaner, Pilakger, Pnila-kaher)
Kolkaphul [Bengali]
Karavirah [Sanskrit]
Paccai alari, Tiruvatci [Tamil]

Purified Mind (1)
Purified Mind (2)

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