Peace in the vital

Peace in the vital 744

The result of the abolition of desires.

The Mother

Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack., Rutaceae
Orange jessamine, Satin-wood, Cosmetic-bark tree, Chinese box

Physical description:
Small very fragrant delicate white star-shaped flower with five narrow recurved petals - borne in numerous small axillary and terminal cymes. A handsome evergreen shrub or small tree with glossy leaves.

Common name/s
Murraya, Orange-jessamine
गचीरिश, कामिनी, मार्चुला, एनएन (Gacharisha, Kamini, Marchula, Nn)
Ekangi [Sanskrit]
Nagagolungu [Telugu]
Arruppancu, Cimaikkonci, Konci, Vengarai [Tamil]
Jiu li xiang, Qian li xiang, Yue ju [Chinese]
Gekkitsu, Gigicha, Gigichi, Inutsuge, Kuribana [Japanese]
Мурайя иноземная, Мурайя метельчатая

Peace in the vital (1)
Peace in the vital (2)

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