Obscurity offers itself to be transformed

Obscurity offers itself to be transformed 477

Obscurity tired of being obscure.

The Mother

Thunbergia alata Bojer., Acanthaceae
Black-eyed Susan vine

Physical description:
Small yellow orange to orange salverform flowers with a limb composed of five broad somewhat squared lobes, a dark maroon or green throat and a curved corolla tube that emerges from two enlarged inflated bracts - usually borne singly from the leaf axils. A light annual or perennial vine.

Common name/s
Suzanne aux yeux noirs, Thunbergie
Schwarzäugige Susanne

Obscurity offers itself to be transformed (1)
Obscurity offers itself to be transformed (2)
Obscurity offers itself to be transformed (3)
Obscurity offers itself to be transformed (4)

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