
Dreams 831

One can learn much by observing one's dreams.

The Mother

Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. [A. Barbadenis Mill.], Liliaceae.
Barbados aloe, Curacao aloe, Medicinal aloe

Physical description:
Small light orange tubular flower tinged with yellow green - borne on tall racemes. A stemless clumping herb with thick succulent leaves.

Common name/s
Aloès, Aloès vulgaire
गीकुमारी, घिकानवर, घिकुमारी, ग्वार पठा, कुमाररी (Gheekumari, Ghikanvar, Ghikumari, Guar patha, Kumari)
Ghrita kumari, Kumari [Bengali]
Ghrita kumari, Kanya, Karralai, Kumari [Sanskrit]
Chinna kalabanda [Telugu]
Chirukuttali, Kathalai, Kumari, Nali [Tamil]
Aroe [Japanese]
Aloe, Алое настоящее, Алоэ, Алоэ Вера
Echte Aloe

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