Will one with the Divine Will

Will one with the Divine Will 595

A condition that triumphs over all odstacles.

The Mother

Hibiscus Syriacus L., Malvaceae.
Rose of sharon, Althaea, Shrub althaea

Physical description:
Medium-sized double white flower with soft petals. Early Comment : will is the power of consciousness turned towards effectuation. The Divine will is the will expressing the highest Truth.

Common name/s
Hibiscus, Hibiscus de Syrie, Ketmie des jardins, Mauve de Syrie
Mu jin [Chinese]
Hachisu, Mokukinka, Mukuge [Japanese]
Гибискус сирийский, Роза сирийская
Echter Roseneibisch, Syrischer Rosen-Eibisch

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